Chapter 34 - Comfort

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     You sit alone outside for close to what you assume is two hours. The sky is beginning to get lighter, morning dawning. You want to be alone, the isolation feeling somewhat comfortable due to being only with Mina for apparently 10 months.

     You hear the back door open and footsteps come up beside you. You turn to look, and see Minseok sitting down beside you. He has a white envelope in his hands, and gives it to you.

     "Park Kyung gave this to us when we returned Zico's body to them. Zico wrote it for you," he says. You stare at the white envelope, heart sinking. "I can go inside while you read it-"

     "You can stay," you say. Sighing heavily, you open the envelope carefully and pull out a few pieces of folded paper. When you unfold the first one, a picture falls out. You pick it up, looking at it in the morning light. It's you and Zico at one of your races, you think Kyung took it. He has an arm around your waist and the two of you are standing in front of you mustang, smiling. It's the only picture as far as you know that's ever been taken of you. You hand it to Minseok, turning your attention to Zico's obvious slanted writing.


     If you're reading this letter right now, it means I'm no longer with you to make sure you're not doing dumb shit. I know you're not going to take my death really well, but I wouldn't have taken yours well either to be fair. We've spent a good chunk of our lives together over the years and I would say I know you very well, as well as you know me. When we first met I wasn't too keen on you, I was almost 6 years older than you and I wasn't too sure you'd be mature. I was very wrong about that, and I consider you one of my all time best friends along with the other members of Block B.

     I know we didn't end on very good terms last time I saw you, and I want you to know I understand. If I die tonight I know you're going to regret saying what you did, but I want you to always remember that I'm not mad. I know you were angry and I know you had your trust in people destroyed when I found out what EXO was doing. I was not in on the plan nor did I have any prior knowledge of it. All I knew was that you were being set up and EXO rebelled and I wanted you out of there.

     I ended up spending a lot of time with them over the past few months. Y/N, I know you'll be okay with them now. The past, although terrible, is something I think is in the past. Junmyeon and I hashed it out, I broke his nose and then we moved on. They care about you, Y/N and I know you're not going to want to trust them, but I think you should. I know it'll be hard for you to get past the betrayal, but you'll be safe with them.

     This isn't my place to say this either but Yixing is in love with you. I've never seen someone so upset as he was when he came back and you were gone. He had a yelling match with Junmyeon which went on for a couple hours and then he left. When he came back he said either we go in and save you soon or he would do it himself. We tried to explain to him that we were formulating a plan but we couldn't just act or else it would be suicide, but he was mad, Y/N.

     He said if any harm came to you he wouldn't forgive any of them. He said if they had been honest when he said they should've been it would've been so much easier to solve the situation, instead of driving you away. I don't doubt for one second that he loves you with everything in him, and if that's what you want, he'll stay with you for the rest of your life.

     My hand is cramping up so I have to stop writing, it's almost go time. Taeyong's brother informed us your dad was bringing you to the races today, so we have to act now. Y/N, my only request is that you don't blame yourself for anything that happened to any of us. Regardless of the outcome, none of this is your doing. This is because of Malcolm Bennett and what a sick man he is. Don't get others actions confused with your own. You're too good of a person for that.

     I sincerely hope that you'll never have to read this, because I know we've been there for each other a very long time. I've always needed your support, whether you knew it or not. I'll be with you forever, supporting you always. You now have to do what will make you happy, screw what everyone else thinks. Be yourself, Y/N. Please, be free.

Forever your best friend,
Woo Ji Ho

     Your heart aches so harshly you feel as if it will stop beating. Your eyes sting with tears as you fold the papers and put them back into the envelope. Minseok hands you the picture once more and you stare at it, affection warming your chest.

     "He was a good man," Minseok says.

     You nod, "You all are good men. I just feel like I don't know what's real anymore, Minseok."

     His gaze softens, "Y/N, this right now is real.  The day you took me to see your brother was real. How Yixing feels about you is real, the fact everyone else thinks of you as a sister is real. If it wasn't, we never would've spent ten months perfecting the plan to get you out of there. You deserved better than lying assholes, but sadly it's what you got for a while but it's different now." He takes your hand. "Trust me, please trust us again."

     You laugh a little, "I hate the fact I do. Did Zico really break Junmyeon's nose?"

     "Yeah, that did happen," Minseok says, laughing. You stand up, stretching your arms. Minseok follows suit, pulling you into a hug. "We sucked, Y/N. Let us help you now."

     "Okay," you simply say back, allowing the contempt slowly melt away, the awful betrayal and the gross feeling all going away. He lets you go.

     "Yixing is inconsolable over what we did to you," Minseok says. "He's in the kitchen." You nod and turn, walking inside the house to go to the kitchen. Minseok follows but when you open the back door he exits the kitchen promptly, trying to give you privacy.

     You know he's been crying immediately by his puffy eyes and his swollen lips. Yixing's head snaps up at your entrance, hair dishevelled and face puffy. He looks down again, back at the table. You take a step towards him but he stands, walking over to you and kneeling in front of you, head bowed.

     "Y/N I can't apologize as thoroughly as I need to," he says, taking your hand in his. The pitiful position of him breaks your heart. You kneel down beside him, taking his face in your gentle hands.

     "Shhh," you hush him, swiping a tear away with your thumb. "No more tears. No more dwelling. Everything that happened is the past, we have to be over this or else it will rip us apart. You're here now, I trust you wholeheartedly."

     Yixing stands, pulling you up with him. "We don't deserve you, Y/N. None of us do."

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