Chapter 9 - Trip

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     As the next few days pass, you get more used to having a wheelchair and being surrounded by nine guys. Yixing always makes sure to take care of you and has become accustomed to sleeping in your bed with you. You never minded though, his presence made you feel safe, like even if your dad broke the front door down, no one could touch you.

     The other guys are all welcoming and sweet. A lot of them are curious about what it's like to be Malcolm Bennett's daughter. You try to be as open as you feel comfortable being, but they know what lines not to cross. You wonder sometimes if that's a product of being in similar situations.

     Today marks the fifth day of your healing and the first day you're allowed to walk again. Part of you is excited you can be more independent, but the other part knows you have to leave soon. You half hope you will fall over and give yourself a concussion so your stay has to be extended.

     "Y/N be careful, try not to go to fast. You're going to feel a little weak," Yixing says, grabbing onto your hands and he pulls you into a standing position. You wobble and his hands are instantly on your waist, steadying you. You grab onto his shoulders and try to take a deep breath. For a split second you're not sure if your legs are going to support your body weight.

     "This isn't working," you answer, sighing heavily at your weakness.

     Yixing ticks his teeth at you, "Stop that negativity. You'll never walk again with that attitude. Take a step, I've got you." You do as he says and take one step forward, not making a fuss as Yixing's grip slips from your sides and you are only holding onto his shoulders.

     Your legs scream from lack of use as Yixing makes you walk around your room, back and forth. "Look at you. You're killing this," he praises. You blush at his words but manage to keep calm. Before you know it, your hands are off his shoulders. Although you're wobbly, you can definitely walk on your own.

     "Yixing! We did it!" You exclaim, wrapping him in a hug. He chuckles.

     "You did it," he corrects.

     Pulling back you shake your head, "No. You saved my life, Yixing. I thought it was all over but you showed up out of no where and saved my god damn life. Not even once but twice, and managed to stitch up my side and perform emergency surgery with limited medical supplies. You're incredible." This time Yixing blushes.

     "Give yourself some credit, you fought through the past five days like a trooper," he says, rubbing your back. "I was thinking once you got cleaned up and ready, we could go into town and get you some clothes. This is on me, and you don't have to pay me back," he says. "For Junmyeon's life."

     "Fine, but as soon as I make enough money I'm going to pay you back, okay?" You say sternly and Yixing nods. You do as he says and get ready, wearing one of his white t-shirts and a pair of sweatpants. You can't tell who the sweatpants belong to, but the shirt smells exactly like Yixing does.

     The two of you walk downstairs together, but Yixing has to help you this time so you don't tumble. You hear cheering and look up to see Baekhyun clapping.

     He gives your a giant grin, "Congratulations! You're getting so much better!" You smile in deep appreciation of his praise. Yixing and Baekhyun walk you into the kitchen where some pancakes are awaiting on the counter.

     Kyungsoo greets the three of you, "I made pancakes. Help yourselves. Look at your progress Y/N! You're doing so much better." Minseok chimes in his agreement as he grabs a pancake from the counter. Once again you thank everyone for being so kind to you. The overwhelmingly kind praise from everyone had really touched you. This gang of "hardened criminals" aren't even hardened at all. They care for each other a lot, and now they even care for you. It's such a foreign concept to you, that all these people have genuine feelings for each other.

"Y/N, take a seat," Yixing says, handing you a plate full of pancakes. You nod and sit beside Sehun at the table. He hands you some syrup and butter. "I think I'm going to go into the city with Y/N today. She needs some clothes so she doesn't have to constantly wear ours. If that's okay, Junmyeon."

"It could be dangerous so make sure more than just the two of you go," Junmyeon replies.

"I'll come," Baekhyun says, sitting on the counter. "I always love shopping."

"I'll come too," Sehun chimes in from beside you. "I need new jeans anyways." You nod.

"I might as well come too, just for extra protection," Minseok says. You thank everyone.

"I'm sorry for being such trouble," you say, eating a piece of your delicious pancake.

"Y/N how many times do we have to tell you that you're no trouble at all. You need our help and protection and you're always entitled to it," Junmyeon says. Minseok grabs your hand.

"You've been nothing but thankful and appreciative the whole time you've been here. Y/N we all love you, you're an awesome person," He says, patting your hand one more time and then letting go to eat his pancake.

"We can just take the car since only five of us are going," Baekhyun says. "Y/N should drive."

"Y/N needs to rest still. Just because she can walk doesn't mean she can run. You know what I mean?" Yixing says. You nod but Baekhyun just looks at him.

"Sometimes I think you're a little stupid, Yixing, but I love you anyways. I have to go get ready to go," Baekhyun resolves, leaving the kitchen to go find some clothes suitable to leave the house in.

"While he does that, you need to finish breakfast," Minseok says to you and you nod, quickly finishing your pancakes up. After you're done, you go upstairs to brush your teeth.

When you come back into the kitchen, there's a serious conversation going on and you're not sure if you should leave or not. "Y/N, come here. We're discussing an escape plan if your father's lackeys find us," Chanyeol says. You nod and Yixing pulls out a chair for you. You sit down and he leans against the back of it.

"Chances are even if some of his people didn't know what I looked like, they do now. We're going to have to be very careful of anyone who looks at us for too long. Even if they do, we can't make a scene. They may doubt it's me if we don't run away instantly," You say, leaning your elbows on the table.

"That's an awesome point, Y/N. She's right, don't run away at the first sign of danger. I highly doubt that any of your father's people would shoot at you guys in public. That's too much unwanted media attention. Not to mention the police would get involved. If you park around the mall's back exit, you have a clear route to leave from," Junmyeon says.

"Especially since the exit to the main road is near the back exit, so it's a quicker path to the way out," Yixing says. "We should be good. If anything goes wrong I'll have you on speed dial."

Yixing walks away from the table and comes back with a bag. He puts it down on the table and unzips it. Inside is a variety of handguns and one machine gun. Baekhyun takes two sleek black handguns and puts them in a holster that must be strapped around his waist. Minseok and Sehun both only take one each, while Yixing takes two.

"If you want a gun, Y/N, you're more than welcome to have one," Jongdae says. You shake your head.

"I'd never be able to use it. I know how to of course but I couldn't ever shoot a real person," you assert. The thought of having another gun pressed against your body again unsettles you. Jongdae nods and zips the bag back up and takes it away.

Yixing pulls you up and leads you to the front door. He opens a closet and hands you a pair of slides that look like they're going to be a little too big. You put your feet into them, aware of the fact you literally look like a hobo.

"You look cute," Yixing says like he can read your mind.

"Ready to go?" Baekhyun asks from behind you. Yixing nods. "Let's get it!"

In the Backseat {A Zhang Yixing Mafia AU!}Where stories live. Discover now