Chapter 42 - Demon

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     Warning: Mentions of addiction

By the time you and Seunghyun decide it's time to go back inside, many of the guests are drinking. Almost instantly you have a glass of some mixed drink Seunghyun gifted you before disappearing back into the crowd of people. You absentmindedly sip at it, hating the taste. You were never allowed to drink growing up, so it feels weird that you are now.

     "How do you feel?" Yixing asks, coming up beside you. You smile.

     "Seunghyun made me feel a lot better actually. Aren't you drinking?" You ask.

     Yixing shakes his head, "No, I'm driving home. If you want to drink you can. While you were outside it was basically decided that we were going to throw back as many drinks as possible and have a good time before we all march off to a death match."

     "Cheers," you reply dryly, throwing back the rest of your drink. Yixing cautiously makes you another, keeping his eye on you. Between Yixing watching you closely and Seunghyun sneaking you shots and strongly mixed drinks, you're absolutely fucked by the end of the night. Midnight must have rolled around by the time the room was spinning around you.

     Someone turned on loud music at some point and you're swaying on the dance floor haphazardly, holding your drink above your head. Every so often you let out a pitiful cheer, your energy wearing off. Being drunk is a blast but you also feel like complete and utter shit. Ignoring the gross feeling, you have four more drinks before Yixing finally cuts you off.

     "Y/N, I'm going to take you home," he says. You giggle uncontrollably, throwing yourself on him.

     "Silly! The night is still young!" You slur, stumbling a little. His hand is on your arm, grip strong. Holding you upright, you assume Yixing is telling people that the two of you are going to take off.

     "Bye Seunghyun!" You yell as Yixing puts your shoes on for you. "I really hope you don't die!" Yixing resorts to picking you up and carrying you out to the car. The night breeze hits your face calmly and you feel your body relax. That is until you get nauseated.

     "Yixing put me down now," you order. Quickly he does so, surprised by your tone. As soon as your sneakers hit the pavement you're vomiting everywhere. Yixing holds your hair back, tenderly patting your back as you unload the contents of your stomach onto the road.

     "Are you okay?" He soothes once your done throwing up. You spit onto the pavement, trying to get rid of the disgusting taste in your mouth. You wipe your face on the back of your sleeve, coughing a few times.

     "Please take me home," you whisper. Yixing gently picks you up off the pavement, carrying you the rest of the way to the car. He opens the passenger door and sets you inside carefully, doing up your seatbelt. He shuts the door and rounds the car before getting in himself. The drive is a blur to you as your head is anchored to the cold window with your eyes screwed shut. If this what being drunk is like, you never want to see alcohol again.

You feel the car roll to a stop and upon opening your eyes you see you're home. You open the door again, nausea ripping through you. Falling harshly to the pavement, once again you vomit all over the ground. You hear footsteps coming towards you as once again Yixing kneels beside you to hold your hair out of the way. You're amazed he's not gagging at the sight.

Once you're done vomiting for a second time, Yixing escorts you into the empty house. He carefully takes you into the bathroom, helping you undress and watching as you brush your teeth.

"How many drinks did you have?" He asks. You shrug, embarrassed at your uncontrollable vomiting and actions.

"Ten maybe," you say.

"I saw you take eight shots and six mixed drinks. Y/N it's not safe for you to drink that much," he says, getting up from the side of the bathtub.

"I've never drank before, how am I supposed to know my limits?" You ask, slightly annoyed. The alcohol feels less intense now that you've gotten some of it out of your system. Now you just want to sleep.

"You've never had alcohol before?" Yixing asks incredulously as he opens the bedroom door for you. You shake your head, flopping down onto the bed unceremoniously, already half asleep.

"Let's have sex," you say, rolling onto your back.

Yixing chuckles, "Y/N, you're drunk. I love you so much, but you're drunk." He presses a fleeting kiss to your lips, gently placing your head on the pillow and tucking you in.

"Don't go," you say, grabbing his wrist.

"I have to get ready to sleep, baby. I'll just be a few minutes then I'll be right back," he says, kissing your knuckles. You sigh but don't complain, knowing you have no right to. Yixing exits the room, leaving the door ajar behind him. Light from the hallway streams into the dark bedroom, causing your head to erupt in pain. You roll over, trying to block out the annoying sight.

You're drifting in and out of sleep by the time Yixing returns. You hear the door click shut behind him and the room reverts to its darkness and you rejoice internally. Yixing places a glass of water and a bottle of Advil on the table next to you.

"You'll need that when you wake up," he states before crawling into bed beside you. You latch onto him swiftly, seeking out the comfort of his warmth and love. His arm snakes around your waist as you rest your head on his chest.

"Why didn't you drink?" You ask again.

"I had to drive home, I told you already," he says.

"Others could've. Jongdae, Chanyeol, and Junmyeon didn't drink. We only took three cars," you point out.

"You'll find I don't really drink or do drugs. Last time I indulged like that, I was a long time addict. I told you before, when I got to my lowest point I was doing cocaine almost five times a day. I don't trust myself with substances like that, I know how easy it was for me to get trapped doing it and I refuse to get into the habit of that ever again," he says, stroking your hair. Tears prick your eyes.

"I hate that you went through that," you answer. This wonderful man you've claimed as yours seems just too perfect to have to have suffered through those terrible things. The past Yixing isn't your Yixing. Your responsible Yixing.

"I don't. It made me who I am and I learned a great deal of lessons from it. You can only wake up naked in random houses so many times before you swear off any time of addictive substance. I don't remember a whole chunk of my life that has been fogged by drug abuse and living in an incomplete haze of addiction. I don't want to go back to that so I work every day to make sure I won't. I have so many things to stay sober for, Y/N. You being the biggest one," he says, kissing your forehead. You lean into him more, trying to take his pain away by touching him.

That night your dreams are plagued by visions of Yixing dead, white powder under his nose.

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