Chapter 25 - Truth

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     You find yourself hesitating outside of the room your brother is being kept in. Junmyeon warned you explicitly that if you are to go in stay behind the white duct tape line or else he'll be able to grab you because his chains allow him to move around. You're not sure if you want to go in and see him, or live in the ignorance of pretending he's not even there.

     You twist open the doorknob, deciding not to be a baby any longer. You have to be strong, he can't stay down here forever. You enter the room, a chill running over your body. The room he's in is completely concrete. Walls, floor, and ceiling alike. He has a small toilet and sink in the corner and a cot against the opposite wall. You're hit with his stench, realizing he hasn't taken a shower since he got here.

     His eyes flick up to bore into your matching ones. That sadistic smirk creeps on his face and he stands to look at you better, "Finally, I was thinking you were never going to show up."

     You shudder, "I decided to take my own sweet time, you're not too bored are you?" You roll your eyes.

     His hair has grown a considerable amount, hanging in front of his eyes. His wrists have dried blood all over them, running down his arms and ending at his elbows. He's been trying to pry the handcuffs off. Although this is the most helpless you've ever seen him, you know he's also in the most dangerous state of mind. He wants blood for his suffering, he wants it now.

     "You have a nice assortment of boy toys at your service," he says, blowing his greasy hair out of his eyes. "Why haven't they killed me yet?"

     "You're obviously not going to be of real use, I know you'll refuse to reveal any of father's plans and he doesn't give enough of a shit about you to come looking for you. The best thing to do with you is to put a bullet in your skull, but I don't want to watch you die," you say, sitting down in the vacant chair against the wall furthest from him. He rolls his eyes.

     "Don't pretend you're not killing me for a strategic reason. I know you. If you were being strategic, you would've killed me already and sent me to father. You're not killing me because you don't have the heart to. Your fatal flaw has always been your useless compassion, Y/N," he spits at you.

     You shrug, "As much as I detest your existence, you're my twin brother. I don't kill my own flesh, unlike you."

     His face changes, "You know I had to kill Oliver."

     You recoil like you've been hit, "Do not speak his name. You have no right to even say his name. You made his whole life hell and you dare even say that name?"

     "Killing him was mercy, Y/N," Jake snarls. "If I didn't someone else would've."

     "You're right it was. But don't pretend for a second that the reason death was mercy for him wasn't because of you," you reply with just as much conviction.

     "If you would've just gotten over your stupid morality you would've been dad's favourite," he says. "We could've been friends."

     "Friends? You're incapable of any human emotion except anger. You fucking shot me without any second thought," you say.

     "Dad gave me the order so I executed it," he says. "Duty is the least shameful thing in the world."

     "That's all you are, all you are is father's lapdog. You do what he says, you have no free will," you point out. "And you're stupid enough to be happy with that."

     "You're stupid enough to run away with a group of people who work for our dad. At least I'm smart enough to realize when I'm being led into a trap," he says. Trap?

     "You're not getting into my head, I refuse. You're a moron if you think for a second your mind games will work on me," you say. 

     "Don't you think the situation was weird?" He asks, leaning closer to you.

     "I said enough," you spit back firmly. "You can't scare me anymore, as I see it you're chained to a wall and I'm free to leave when I want. I'm not going to kill you, because I'm not you." You stand up, ready to leave the room.

     "Yixing's grandpa never had a stroke," your brother whispers. Shivers ricochet down your spine somewhat painfully. "He is out of the way now, your most fierce protector is gone. What will your little friends decide to do with you now?" He asks.

     You turn and face him, walking right into the duct tape line and punching him right in the nose. He falls down with the impact and when he hits the ground he hits your feet out from underneath you and you crash to the ground too. He is about to get on top of you but you're quicker, you always were. You land a knee in his groin and get the upper hand.

     You throw yourself on top of him, slamming his head into the concrete. He laughs maniacally at the impact, blood coating his teeth. With your split second falter, he flips the two of you over with a swift hit to your ribs. You yell out and he gets you down so you're against the cold floor and he lands a punch to your face. You struggle against his force as he grabs you by the throat, squeezing hard.

     You gasp for breath, trying to find purchase to get the upper hand again. You find his chain and whip it around his neck, pulling hard. He wheezes and lets go a minuscule amount, just enough to allow you to get him off of you. You're faster, but he's stronger.

     You scramble to the edge of the duct tape, but he grabs your ankle and drags you back hard. You scream, hoping someone will hear you. Jake once again lands a blow to your ribs, the weakest part of your body. You cry out again, raking your nails across his face. His blood is dripping onto you, and he's now yelling incoherent things at you in a rage.

     He tries to slam his elbow into your nose but you block it, catching his elbow with your palm, grunting with effort. You reach for his chain again, but he anticipates your action and wraps the chain around your neck this time, kneeling on your hands and pulling the chain hard. You let out a choked scream, wilding slamming your knee into his spine. He does not budge and for a second you think you're going to die.

     Before you start to lose focus, with an incredible surge of strength, you rip one hand out from underneath his leg and land a right hook hard enough you hear his jaw snap. When  the chain loosens enough you rip it off your head but he's on you again, jaw hanging scarily slack.

     He grabs you by the hair, throwing you into the ground once again. Your head throbs with the impact, your vision going black for a second. Before you can cause anymore damage, you hear the door fly open as your brother slams your body into the floor once again. You spit blood at your brother's face and all of a sudden he's off you. Baekhyun grabs you under the arms and hauls you out of the danger zone. You watch in exhaustion as Chanyeol and Sehun hold your brother down and he screams like a wild animal.

     Kyungsoo runs in with a syringe and jumps on your brother, plunging the syringe into his arm and administering the drug. Before you can register it, your brother is lying still on the floor.

     "Y/N what were you thinking?!" Kyungsoo yells at you. You lay down, choking on your own blood.

     "Leave her alone, she's hurt," Baekhyun snaps back. He helps you to your feet and Sehun is at your other side, both of them holding you up.

     "Take her upstairs, I'll assess the damage," Kyungsoo says, staring at your incapacitated brother. No one says anything but you're dragged up the stairs and into the living room. Sehun and Baekhyun place you on the couch and lay you down.

     "What happened?" Junmyeon demands, entering the room.

     "I got too close," you reply. "Well I mean I ran headlong at him and beat the shit out of him. If you think this is bad you should see him," you joke.

     "You can't joke right now, this is serious! You disobeyed me, I told you to stay out of that circle," Junmyeon exasperatedly scolds you. You look down, ashamed. "What's done is done. Don't ever disobey me like that again, you could've gotten yourself killed," he says. You nod, looking away. Why are you so stupid?

In the Backseat {A Zhang Yixing Mafia AU!}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora