Chapter 46 - Repentance

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     As soon as you pull the trigger, your mind falls blank. You watch in disbelief as your father hangs limply in his chair, his body now lifeless. A mirage of blood and brains adorn the wall behind your dead father, sending your brain into overdrive.

     Someone grabs your arm and starts to drag you away from the horrific scene before you. Your hands tremble violently as the gun falls from your grip and clangs against the hardwood floor. You turn to see Sehun holding onto your tightly, ushering you out of the study. The metallic smell of blood infiltrates your senses, disgust washing over you relentlessly.

     Without bothering to try and pay attention to where Sehun is taking you, you focus on trying to find Yixing. You search for his face and soon see Baekhyun and Kyungsoo hauling his limp body from the study. All you are aware of is the fact that he may die here. His fate may be sealed now that he's gushing blood and his body is unable to stop it.

     Sehun turns you away from Yixing so you can't see the horror unfolding before you. Your brain floats in and out of consciousness as you reach the van parked outside. Chanyeol is awaiting your arrival in the driver seat. You're all loaded into the van before Chanyeol takes off at a dangerous speed. And so the race against time begins. A second too late and Yixing will die.

     You can't force yourself to do anything except slouch against the leather seat of the van. You killed your twin and father. You killed your own family. You gave your father exactly what he wanted, and it's going to haunt you for the rest of your life.

     The van screeches into the driveway of the place you call home. Baekhyun hauls Yixing out, Kyungsoo leading them inside. However you stay rooted to your seat, not willing to move.

     "He's lucky you killed him," Sehun says.

     Your temper flairs, "He's dead and I'm a murderer."

"Jiyong would've made his death an awful one. He's lucky you didn't make him suffer. That's all I'm saying," Sehun answers. You sigh, burying your head in your hands.

"I know... I'm sorry," you reply. Sehun doesn't answer you, just places his hand on your bicep. He pulls you out of the car and wraps one arm around your waist to straighten you. He slams the door shut after you're clear of it, slowly leading you to the front door of the house.

"I'm sorry this happened to you. Not just what happened today, but what's happened to you your entire life. I know you're filled with dread and disgust now, but one day you'll find yourself free of Malcolm. Free of Jake, your mom, and even Oliver. You'll be able to be truly happy for the first time in your life. No more hiding, no more fear. If your happiness means leaving us, leaving the world of illegal things long behind you, then so be it. Don't let anything get in the way of what you want now. Allow yourself to be truly free, Y/N." Sehun holds you against his chest for a breath, but then let's you go.

"I wouldn't want to be anywhere else than here," you reply, tears pricking the back of your eyes. "You're all my family."

"Good. No one wants you to leave," Sehun says. You walk into the foyer of the house before quickly dashing up the stairs to see Yixing. Your mind is finally breaking free of the fog.

You throw open the medical room, seeing Kyungsoo working at a fast pace while Baekhyun tries to help. You enter the room, catching Kyungsoo's attention. "Y/N, hold this," he orders. You grab onto the cloth Kyungsoo motions to, pressing it against Yixing's neck.

     Kyungsoo grabs the tool for cauterizing wounds and quickly ushers you out of his way. Yixing catches sight of you in his pain induced delirium. Grabbing onto your hand, he squeezes desperately, trying to anchor himself.

He cries out as Kyungsoo starts to cauterize the wound. You hold onto his hand, wishing you could take the pain away. He opens his eyes abruptly, staring into yours with determination.

     You cup his cheek with your hand, praying the pain he's going through isn't as bad as you know it is. He holds onto your hand as if it's his lifeline, as if you're the only thing he needs.

     "It's all going to be okay," you whisper. And for the first time, you know it's true.


     It's been two years since you killed your own father. Jiyong has been a much better leader since that day, one who isn't a man who scares you all. You wish sometimes that you weren't involved so heavily in the world of crime, but you know deep down that there's no where else you'd rather be.

     Yixing healed well, the graze in his neck now only remaining a scar. Yixing. The name brings joy to you, the thought of him the only thing you need anymore. You never expected to ever really be attached to anyone after Oliver died. Now, you're attached to nine people that you'd never want to lose.

     Since you're no longer in hiding from your father, Yixing takes you out on mandatory Saturday night dates to restaurants, movies, mini golf, or even a night in. He's the man of your dreams, and so much more.

     "Y/N," that gentle voice whispers. You open your eyes, your shared room bathed in the glow of moonlight. "Come with me," he says. You groan, but get up as he pulls you out of bed. Half asleep, you allow him to pull a hoodie around your body and lead you from the warm confines of your room.

     The two of you descend the stairs and he opens the door to the front porch, the cool night wind biting at your fingers. Sighing, you exit the house, sitting on the wooden bench. Yixing follows behind you, sitting beside you and wrapping his arm around you.

     "Do you remember the first time we were out here together?" He asks. You nod, laughing.

     "You mean when I was half dead and in a wheelchair living in a house with a bunch of strangers?" You joke. He chuckles.

     "Yeah, that time. I remember so clearly, you sitting there in your wheelchair with the blanket I brought you wrapped around your small frame. Y/N it was then that I knew for sure I wasn't ever going to be able to let you go," he says, pressing a kiss under your ear.

     "Yixing, from the moment I saw you, I knew you were different. Here we are, two and a half years later, still kicking it together. There were times I thought we were for sure going to die. Like the time you got shot and I was driving like a crazy woman to get you home, or the time you got shot again in the neck. Half of the blood in your body at this point is probably mine. You saved my life," you say.

     "And you mine," he whispers, pressing a kiss to your waiting lips. You're in no hurry to go inside, just enjoying the feeling of him being so close to you. You have a feeling the two of you won't be apart for a very long time.

     Love stories come in a variety of lenghts, contents, and endings. This one started with an order, and ended in a love that would last a lifetime. And you wouldn't change it for the world.

~The End~

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