Chapter 6 - Accusation

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     "Welcome to... EXO?" you ask, unsure of what Junmyeon means. "What?"

"We are free, Y/N. You don't have to do anything here. You only have to pull your own weight and be respectful, that's the only thing required here. If you want to stay here, we have three extra rooms and you are welcome to have one. You can stay as long as you like and longer than that if you want. You can be protected here, if you want it," Junmyeon says.

"I-" you stop talking. Protection? Freedom? EXO is a gang, the same gang your father runs. Maybe they're better and maybe they wouldn't hurt you but maybe not. You're done with illegality, you're done with being on the wrong side of the tracks. If that means you have to give up racing then you have to give up racing.

     "As soon as I can live alone I will leave, but if there is anything I can do while I'm here, I'd love to help." You smile endearingly, trying to nicely decline the offer. You really are touched by the kindness, but you cannot continue such an uncertain life.

      Baekhyun peers at you from under his almost too long fringe. "Y/N... if I may... I don't know if you're ever going to be able to leave the gang scene. At this point, for you especially, there is no escaping. You've been born into a shit position but now it's about finding the best people to live that shitty situation with until it's good. If you go out on your own... you may not survive." Baekhyun looks down as if he's said something offensive.

      You're scrambling to find something to say when Yixing steps in, "Let's not worry too much about this right now. Y/N has tons of time to figure out what she's going to do. The sutures won't come out for at least another two weeks. We have to respect the fact that she knows herself and what she wants and needs much better than we do. No matter our opinions we can only offer her a place to stay if she wants it and if she decides she doesn't then we respect that." You smile at him warmly, happy he stopped the conversation.

      "Well while you're here you are going to have to get used to a whole house of loud guys," Junmyeon says. "Hopefully chaos doesn't intimidate you too much." You chuckle.

      "I race cars, I thrive in chaos," you joke, shuffling in your chair a bit to get more comfortable.

     "How long have you been racing?" The man beside you asks. "Oh and I'm Minseok by the way."

"Uh I've been racing for like six years now I think. I started when I was way too young to be driving cars," you answer. Minseok laughs at that.

"How old are you then?" Chanyeol asks, leaning on the table.

"I turned nineteen a few months ago," you reply, remembering the less than fond memories of your nineteenth birthday.

"You were 12 then!" Baekhyun yells.

"You idiot 19 subtract 6 is 13 not 12," Kyungsoo chides.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. But woah you were a good driver at 13! I still can't drive," Baekhyun muses. "You should teach me how to drift!"

"Baek you need to relax. You can barely use a car at this point, let alone do maneuvers that require skill. Y/N just got shot, her top priority isn't teaching you how to drift, it's healing," Yixing interjects, laughing at Baekhyun's whims.

"I couldn't drift a car until I was well over 15," you clarify, not wanting everyone to think you were a child prodigy at the age of 13 with car drifting. You had a fancy car, so you had a leg up on all the other competitors. You also had more on the line, more than just your prized car but your life as well.

"You must have made a lot of money doing races," Junmyeon observes, standing up and walking to the kitchen counter. "Did it all go to your dad's drug cartel?"

You tense up and immediately look away. The pointed question struck a nerve you'd rather have left untouched. Focusing on something else, you play with your hands in your lap.

"Well I think Y/N is probably tired. Yixing you may want to take her back to her bed, she needs a lot of rest," Kyungsoo says, awkwardly breaking the tension in the air.

"You don't tell me what to do, assistant! I'm the doctor here," Yixing proclaims, standing up and pulling your wheelchair out from the table.

"You're not even licensed," Kyungsoo shoots back, eyeing the taller man. Yixing does not respond, but must have made some type of gesture because everyone starts laughing.

You don't pay attention to the house as Yixing pushes you away from the kitchen. You're too busy wondering what Junmyeon was insinuating with his question. Whatever it was, it was not well hidden. If he thought for a second your father let you keep the money you'd won over the years then he's a fool and you're better off leaving the house.

"Do you want to go upstairs back to your bed or would you like to meet some of the others?" Yixing asks.

"I think I'd like to go back to my room please," you request. Yixing doesn't say anything but he must have understood because he starts pushing you back down the way you're pretty sure you came from. "What time is it?" You ask, looking out the window at the darkening sky.

"I don't know probably around 11:30?" Yixing guesses.

"At night? I thought it was morning." Yixing is about to pick you up when you stop him. "Wait, Yixing can I go sit outside for a couple seconds?"

"Of course," he obliges, picking you and your blanket up and taking you out the front door. The view is beautiful, there's nothing for miles. The stars in the sky twinkle down at you and Yixing sets you down on a chair perched on the corner of the porch. "If you'd like me to wait inside I can-"

"No, you can stay if you want. I don't mind not being alone," you peek at him out of the corner of you eye but quickly look back at the moon in the sky. You hear him chuckle a little to himself before he takes a seat on the swing near you.

"When I was a kid, I used to look out at the sky like this every night. I lived in a huge city so there were never many starts, it was always too bright. When all of us moved here, to the middle of no where, I realized I was missing out on so much as a kid. I'd never seen anything this beautiful before." Yixing dreamily reminisces from his seat. You turn to look at him and his head is perched in his hand, elbow resting on the arm of the swing. You notice that his round, wire rimmed glasses slip down his nose just slightly.

It's like for the first time you are realizing how cute Yixing is. His hair is ruffled, glasses slipping and head set in his hand. Something about the scene makes him so indescribably ethereal.

You immediately stop staring, jerking around to look back at the sky which now pales in comparison to the man sitting next to you. Stop it Y/N, it's just the painkillers.

"Are you feeling unwell? If you need more pain medication I can get that," Yixing says, voice lined with concern.

"Did I say that out loud?" You look at him in pure horror. He laughs, showing off his gorgeous teeth.

"You just said 'it's the painkillers'. Are you feeling any pain?" He asks.

"No no not at all. My head just felt fuzzy or something," you answer quickly, happy you didn't just speak your entire inner monologue about how handsome he is.

"Okay. Don't hesitate to tell me if something is wrong though, okay?" You nod in confirmation and sigh.

"I'm ready to go to bed I think," you say.

"Then sleep it is. Let's get you upstairs," Yixing says, standing up and cracking his back. He scoops you into his arms like you weigh nothing, and carries you back into the warmth of the house.

In the Backseat {A Zhang Yixing Mafia AU!}Where stories live. Discover now