Chapter 8 - Guilty

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The sleeping pills Yixing gave you did wonders. You wake up at least 8 hours after you took the sleeping pills, and you've never felt better. Well other than the fact that your side is screaming at you. You wake up and Yixing is standing over you, your shirt is pulled up and your wound is exposed.

     "Yixing what-" 

     "You tore a stitch last night while you were sleeping. I'm trying to fix it up," he says, applying pressure to the wound. "Hold this." You grab the gauze and hold it on the wound and he walks to the cupboard with medical supplies in it. He grabs a sterilized suture and you close your eyes, trying not to look.

     You stay still, biting on your lip. You try to stay as quiet as you can, attempting not to make any noise. "I'm out of any numbing agent," he says. "Fuck. I'll tell Junmyeon we have to get some right now. I'll put a bandage on it until we can get some-"

     "Just do it, it's okay," you say. "I promise I won't scream, but you're going to have to go quickly."

     "Y/N, I don't want to hurt you... I'll go get Kyungsoo just hold tight," he says. You nod and quietly hold in your nerves. You can hear Yixing yelling for Kyungsoo and you're not surprised when the door opens again and you can hear two sets of feet.

     "Oh shit," Kyungsoo says. You feel a pair of hands on your back.

     "Can you roll onto your stomach? It's the stitch in the back that ripped," Yixing says. You obey and roll onto your stomach. Kyungsoo and Yixing follow to the other side of the bed and inspect your wound. "We have no more numbing agent. We're going to have to do it quick."

     You bite down onto the pillow beside your face as Yixing and Kyungsoo get ready. However you almost break your promise of not screaming when you feel the needle break your skin. Tears prick your eyes but you hold it together, trying so hard to not make a fuss. After what seems like hours, two sutures are in place and Yixing secures a large adhesive bandage over the wound.

     You release the pillow from your teeth and sigh, the pain still pricking at your side. You blink away the tears and roll onto your side to look at Yixing and Kyungsoo.

      "Thank you," you breathe, blinking harshly.

     "We just caused you an unimaginable amount of pain and you're saying thank you?" Kyungsoo glowers. "You're an odd girl," he says.

     "You just stopped me from bleeding everything, I have to thank you for that at least," you reply. Kyungsoo nods and then leaves silently while Yixing cleans up the medical supplies.

     "Please tell me you don't have aids," Yixing says as he throws the needle he used into the sharps disposal that is mounted to the wall.

     "Why did you poke yourself?" You ask, sitting up and leaning against the wall.

     "No, I was just wondering," he answers. You laugh and assure him you don't have aids.

     The two of you repeat the routine you did yesterday to get you cleaned up, but Yixing says you can't take a shower today because your stitches are too fresh.

     "Do you need to wash your hair?" He asks at your unease in not showering. You nod, used to showering almost every day. So, he puts a bunch of pillows on the floor and lays you flat so your head is hanging over the side of the bathtub. He washes you hair for you, much to your protest. When he's finished he lets you brush it and finish getting ready before he takes you downstairs again.

     "The guys are eager to properly meet you," he says as he places you in the wheelchair waiting at the bottom of the stairs and tucks the blanket around you again.

     "Yixing when am I allowed to walk again?" You ask, leaning back in the chair more.

     "I'd say in about five days," he answers. If you move too much with fresh stitches you're going to hurt yourself a lot more," he answers. You nod, sick of feeling useless. "As soon as you can walk again we should go to town and buy you some clothes so you don't have to wear ours all the time."

     "No it's okay, I don't have any money to buy clothes with," you answer.

     "Y/N you need clothes and if you decide to leave when you're better, you're going to need clothes," he replies. "We are a huge gang, we make tons of money." You try not to grimace. Everything you've ever gotten was bought with money made illegally. You want it to change.

     "I am still leaving and I'll never be able to pay you back," you reply. "We can talk about this later." Yixing doesn't press the situation any further and wheels you back into the kitchen you were in yesterday.

     This time, eight people are scattered about the kitchen. A few are at the table, some cooking at the stove, one is sitting on the counter. At Yixing and your entrance, everyone turns to look at the two of you. You suddenly feel very uncomfortable and shift in your wheelchair.

     "Good morning, Y/N. I'm making breakfast, do you want any?" The man at the stove says. Before you can reply, Yixing speaks.

     "She hasn't eaten since she got here. Make her something that won't upset her stomach," he says. As you quietly ponder the fact that you haven't eaten since you got here, Junmyeon speaks.

     "Come sit with us," he invites, pointing at a chair and an empty space across the table from him. Yixing wheels you over to the table and pushes you in before taking a seat beside you. "How are you feeling?"

     "A little sore, but other than that I'm okay," you answer.

     "I know you got offended by my comment yesterday, but it was never meant to have any ill meaning behind it, I was just wondering to what extent your father controlled your life. I am very sorry if I came across as accusing or distrusting. I strongly believe you have no knowledge of the scheme your father is probably brewing right now," Junmyeon apologizes. You reach across the table and pat his hand.

     "Thank you, but you don't have to apologize. You all have every right to condemn me right here because of my family and the odd events that happened over a matter of a couple hours. I sincerely mean it when I say I'd never try to put any of you in harms way, and as soon as Yixing says it's okay I'm going to be on my way so you guys aren't in danger," you answer, sitting back in your chair. The man who was at the stove places some steamed rice in front of you.

     "Hi, I'm Jongdae," he says, patting your shoulder and handing you a spoon. "I don't think the rice will upset your stomach but if you need nausea medication we have some in the cupboard so feel free to ask." You smile and thank him, touched by how kind everyone is being.

     "The only ones you haven't met yet are Jongin and Sehun," Baekhyun says from behind you where he's sitting in a rocking chair. "Come introduce yourselves." A very tall man with jet black hair comes over to you and bows.

     "I'm Oh Sehun, the youngest of everyone," he says. You smile in return.

     "How old are you?" You ask.

     "Nineteen," he answers. You smile and tell him you're nineteen as well, realizing you're the same age as the youngest. You didn't notice that everyone else was older than you.

     "Hello, I'm Jongin," another man with brown hair says. You notice he's handsome as well. Why are all of these men attractive? You smile back.

     "I'm Y/N Bennet," you reply.

     "Is it true you've been racing for six years and haven't been beaten once?" Sehun asks, taking a seat at the table. You chuckle.

     "Yeah, but sadly my racing days have to be over. I don't have the money to buy a good enough car to win me any races and I plan to leave the illegal scene," you answer.

     "You have real talent, you know," Jongin says.

     "Thank you, but anyone who has a good enough car and knows how to drive it can win a race. I had to win, I didn't have a choice," you reply, picking at your rice.

     "Leave Y/N alone for now guys. She needs to eat," Yixing chides. Silently, you thank Yixing for the thousandth time.

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