Chapter 28 - Mina

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When you wake up again, you're propped up and against the bars of you cell. Your arm is handcuffed to a pole a just far enough that it holds your arm straight out away. Your inner elbow hosts a needle that's giving you what you assume is all the essential things to keep you alive. If they can't force you to eat, they'll force something something else to keep you alive.

Your strength is returning and it annoys you, all your work thrown out the window. There's no point in trying to get free, you know you won't. When you try to move into a more comfortable position you find your right arm is handcuffed to one of the bars in your prison cell, so you really can't rip out your IV.

"You're awake," that girl says again. You look at her, exhausted. "Stop ignoring me."

"What do you want?" You bite back. She flinches but isn't discouraged.

"You called Jake your brother. That means you're the missing girl they were so angry about," she says. "That means you know my brother."

"I probably don't," you answer, wishing to be silent again.

"Kim Junmyeon?" She inquires. Your head snaps up and you stare at her.

"You're the sister," you say. Pain blooms in your chest at the thought of him, of them.

"I heard he betrayed your father for you," she says.

"No, he didn't. He lied to me. He was given an assignment to kidnap me and kill me. I left willingly with him, and instead of just killing me he let me live a lie. He let me live with EXO and he let me believe that I was a part of them... that I was one of them." You laugh dryly. "I was stupid enough to believe it."

"He wouldn't have done that," she asserts, staring back at me.

"I'm not having this argument. If you want to believe that then go for it, but it'll only make you more unhappy when you find out that you're living a lie," you spit at her. She looks taken aback.

"Junmyeon and I were born to a gang boss like you," she says carefully. You don't bother trying to stop her. "He was older than me so he always took care of me. Our house was broken in to and our dad was killed. The person that killed our dad was your dad, Malcolm Bennett. That's how he took over the drug trade, he killed off the last boss. Junmyeon and I ran away, and we had to hide all over the place. We fled to Daegu where we lived in a house with a kid the same age as Junmyeon named Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo's mom was a family friend of ours. The two of them left me in Daegu to go back to Seoul and gain some footing as a gang back there.

I lived with Kyungsoo's mother for almost five years, when I heard from Junmyeon that he had recruited 12 good people to help overthrow your father. When I was on my way to Seoul, I was apprehended by someone working for your dad. I was taken two years ago, when I was sixteen years old. Ever since then your dad has been hanging me over Jumyeon's head, using me to bend his will. If Junmyeon took you, it was only to save my life," The girl lets a tear drop onto the floor.

"You've been here for two years?" You ask. She nods.

"Don't hate him for trying to save my life, please. He betrayed your father though, you know. He was supposed to have you dead in two weeks," she replies.

"How do you know all of this?" You ask pointedly.

"People talk a lot down here, sometimes they forget I exist. For a while they even gave me a nice room upstairs after Junmyeon had taken you. Your father had informed me that my brother was being a good lapdog and doing his bidding. My freedom was promised as long as Junmyeon executed you," she says.

"I don't know what to believe anymore," you admit, letting your head hang forwards.

"I know my brother, he wouldn't have saved your life if he didn't see something good in you," she replies.

"I'm Y/N," you say, meeting her eyes.

"I'm Mina, nice to finally talk to you," she says. You chuckle.

"I don't know if we'll make it out of here, Mina," you say, cracking your sore neck.

"I'm not sure how your dad managed to get you back from Junmyeon, he's a fierce guy," she says.

"I told him not to come for me ever, I told him that I wanted to never see him again," you say. "I'm not sure Yixing would be to pleased with that," you mutter to yourself.

"Who's Yixing?" She asks.

"One of the guys your brother recruited. I was dumb enough to fall in love with him," you say. "He left for China a week or so before I was taken back here. I may never see him again."

"Not with that attitude you won't," she says. "Is Kyungsoo still alive?"

"Yeah, the last time I saw him anyways," you say.

"Good. He was always kind to me," she says.

"How did Kyungsoo get dragged into the world of gang wars anyways?" You inquire.

"Your father killed his dad too. His father was working with my dad when your dad moved in on them and killed them," she says.

"That was Kyungsoo's dad?" You glower. You remember the story of your dad killing the men on top of the drug trade, but you never put it together that they were Junmyeon and Kyungsoo's fathers. You represented the whole reason they came back to Seoul, they wanted your father's head and instead he presented them with yours. And instead of killing you, they saved your ass multiple times and instead of saying thank you, you threw it back in their faces by returning here without a fight.

"I've made a huge mistake," you say.

"They'll come for you, I know they will," Mina says.

"If they come for me, they'll be coming for you as well," you point out. Now all you can do is wait with a renewed sense of life.

Days go by easier with someone to actually talk to. You and Mina have bonded quite a bit, being each other's only source of comfort and entertainment. You're lost as to how long you've been stuck down here, all you know is that the stench of you and Mina alike is disgusting. You're caked in sweat and dirt, and longing for a shower.

No one has come down for quite a while, and Mina is starting to whither away from the lack of food. Your IV drip has run dry, so you as well are starting to starve to death again.

You're beginning to return to your state of not being able to move, talking already takes a lot out of you. Mina's eyes have started to sink into her skull, her cheeks becoming gaunt.

You're started awake by the sound of the door again, and your heart beat increases. You watch in the dim light as your brother once again approaches the cell. He puts a bun in each of your cages with a glass of water each. He is carrying a blue blanket, something very obviously in it. He sets it down on the ground, opening your cell door and coming in after picking the blanket up again. He sets it on the floor before you, unwrapping it. The contents are enough to have you screaming.

The blanket has Oliver's name stitched into the side, and you recognize it as his baby blanket. A myriad of yellowed bones are within it, bones of a child. They're caked in dirt and a teddy bare is amidst the horrific scene.

"I figured since you missed him so much I'd give him back," he says. He stands up, leaving the cell and locking he door. He walks around to the side. Unlocking the handcuffs on your hands. A scream is caught in your throat, the delicate bones of your brother laid out before you. "Maybe I'll kill you with one of them," he whispers behind you, unlocking the second set of handcuffs. "Sweet dreams, sister dear."

A scream rips violently from your throat and you try to scramble further away from Oliver's bones, screaming as if you're on fire. Mina tries desperately to calm you down but you are not to be calmed, you're looking upon your brother.

With the exertion of so much force, you're knocked unconscious again, falling face first onto the concrete floor. Your brain is filled with your brother's skeleton, smiling sinisterly upon your face. You've never been more terrified in your life.

In the Backseat {A Zhang Yixing Mafia AU!}Where stories live. Discover now