Chapter 15 - Surprise

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     You spend the next couple days in deep thought. You're awaiting Zico to return and tell you all that your father is right behind him and ready to kill you. The only hope you have is that if you give yourself over, your father won't execute the rest of the men that protected you so fiercely. You know your hope may be in vain, but it doesn't stop you.

     As you lay on your bed that begins to smell more and more like you with each passing day, you hear commotion downstairs. Your heart stops and you leap out of bed, quickly snatching the handgun in your bedside drawer. You creep to your bedroom door and you can distinctly hear someone coming towards it.

     The door is thrown open and your find your handgun levelled perfectly at Yixing's handsome face. Again.

     "Woah there cowgirl, hold you horses," he says, taking the gun from you. "Get dressed, some of the members of NCT are here to assess the situation with us." He smiles warmly at you and you return it.

     "Okay," you say. He hands you your handgun back and he's about to leave the room but you stop him. "You can stay, just turn around." Yixing chuckles but comes in and shuts the door. He lays face down on your bed, and you secretly are happy because then it will smell like him when you go to sleep.

You absentmindedly pull different articles of clothes out of your closet, taking your shirt off while doing so. You find a causal enough outfit and pull it on.

"Why are their no other women here?" You ask as you brush your hair in the mirror. Yixing rolls over.

"None of us have had girlfriends since you've been here. Sometimes they come and go but generally we can't have relationships. The prospect is sad but it's better to keep as many people out of trouble as we can. Ask Minseok about his girlfriend sometime. He'll tell you about her if the two of you are alone," Yixing says.

"Why?" You ask.

Yixing sits up, "It's kind of hard to explain. Minseok has been closed off since everything with her happened, and I think if he's going to open up to anyone about her it'll be you. I know it sounds ridiculous but I think since you've suffered loss too he'll be comfortable talking to you." You nod your head, curiosity peaked.

     You open your bedroom door and walk to the bathroom, Yixing trailing along behind you. You brush your teeth and turn to him, ready to go downstairs. The two of you leave the bathroom and walk downstairs together. In the living room you spot a large group of guys.

     You quickly notice that all the men in the room are uncannily handsome and you silently thank whoever made these attractive people. "Hey guys," Yixing greets from behind you, snapping you out of your trance.

     "Hey Yixing," a man with white hair says. "And you are Y/N I presume?" He asks. You suddenly feel very intimidated in his presence, more so than you've ever felt with EXO.

     "That's me," you hesitantly respond.

     The man breaks into a smile that shatters your fear. "Don't be nervous! I'm Taeyong, the leader of NCT. I only brought a portion of the members with me since there's too many of us to comfortably fit in the house with the addition of nine other people. This is Jaehyun, Ten, Johnny, Doyoung, and Mark."

     You nod, smiling at the strangers as warmly as you can. They are younger than EXO you conclude, with Mark not looking a little bit younger than you. Yixing leads you into the living room and you catch sight of Baekhyun and Minseok sitting on the couch.

     Kyungsoo enters, "Y/N, come with me. I made breakfast." You happily take the invitation to get the hell out of the room. You trot after Kyungsoo into the kitchen and there's some eggs ready for you on the table.

     "Where are the others?" You ask, sitting down.

     "They're just finishing something outside," Kyungsoo replies. "Eat the eggs." You comply, your stomach rumbling. Kyungsoo takes a year beside you at the table, tapping away on his phone.

     "What are they doing outside?" You ask. Kyungsoo shrugs nonchalantly.

     "I couldn't tell you," he answers.

     "As in you don't know or you won't tell?" You inquire, eating the eggs.

     "Are you questioning me?" He snaps at you. You jump, shrinking back in your seat. "I'm just joking. It's a surprise for you." Kyungsoo pats your leg and gives you an apologetic smile. You stick your tongue out at him and get up to get a glass of water.

     "Y/N, come here!" Yixing calls. You pad into the living room and Yixing is standing by the door.

     "Yes?" You ask, a little apprehensive.

     "We know this won't be anywhere near as good as the original, but with Zico's help we bought you this," He says, leading you out the front door. Your eyes catch a brand new white Ford Mustang.

     "Happy birthday!" Baekhyun screams. "Although it's probably not your birthday. I actually have no idea when your birthday is-"

     "Baekhyun shut up," Kyungsoo groans from behind you.

     Tears well in your eyes. "For... for me?" You stammer.

     "We tried to get your car back but we all knew if we tried to break in we'd probably die," Yixing says. "So we got you a modified Ford Mustang."

     "I can't... I can't thank you enough," you say.

     "Come see!" Junmyeon exclaims from beside the car. You hesitantly walk over to it and look inside. The interior is much nicer than your usual mustang, and you can't imagine how fast it must be.

     "Want to go for a ride?" Yixing asks, dangling the keys in front of you. You snatch them and run into the house to grab your flats. When you run back out you throw yourself on each member of EXO, thanking them so much. They all laugh at your gratitude.

     You hop into the gorgeous car, Yixing sliding into the passenger seat. "Ready?" You ask. Yixing nods and grabs the holy shit handle.

    You shift the car into gear, and slam on the accelerator. We speed off down the road at an incredible pace and you realize this car accelerates much faster than your old car. You drift around a corner and Yixing screams. This causes you to laugh wildly, speeding down a dirt road.

     Driving like this feels so natural, so perfect. This is your element and you've been thrown headlong back into it... and you love it. You push the car to its limits, so thrilled with the speed and acceleration. It shifts so smoothly it feels automatic but you're the one shifting it.

     By the time you pull into the driveway back at the house, Yixing throws open the door dramatically and lays on the pavement. "I almost died!" He screams. You roll your eyes playfully, shutting off the car and getting out. You pull him off the ground and you hug him.

     "Thank you so so much," you whisper into his chest.

     "You deserved this," he replies. The two of you walk back inside the house and all of the guys are watching our the door.

     "So? How was it?" Junmyeon asks.

     "I've never driven with a professional driver when I wasn't dying so this was a new experience," Yixing says.

     "The car is beyond amazing guys," you interject. "I can't thank you guys enough for this."

     "Come sit, Y/N. We have to discuss the best course of action," Minseok says. All of you go and settle in the living room, ready to find out how to best your father.

In the Backseat {A Zhang Yixing Mafia AU!}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora