Chapter 23 - Secret

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At the announcement of his grandfather's death, Yixing is standing up immediately and leaving the table. You stare wide eyed at Chanyeol and Baekhyun, his grandfather has died? You get up and follow him down the hallway and up the stairs.

"Yixing, wait. What's going on?" You ask, following him into his bedroom.

"I have to go," he says curtly, grabbing a bag out of his closet. Seemingly annoyed by his sling, he pulls it off and stretches his arm.

"Yixing, you shouldn't take that off-"

"Y/N I can't take this right now. I have to go," he cuts you off. You stare at him, dumbfounded. He grabs a duffel bag and throws a myriad of clothes and different items into the large bag.

"Yixing where are you going?" You ask.

"I'll just buy a fucking toothbrush there. Fuck I have to go Y/N," he says. He goes to walk past you but you grab his arm, taking his face in your hands.

"Yixing look at me," you beg, staring into his beautiful eyes. "What is going on?"

Emotion blooms behind his irises, his eyes growing watery. He holds it together, "My grandfather died this morning. I have to go be with my grandmother, she's all alone."

"Do you even have a flight yet or-"

"I'll go to the airport and get a flight there. I don't have time to plan, I have to go now. My grandmother is all alone and she has no one and-" Yixing's speech becomes garbled and you hush him, pulling into a hug. You feel a tear drop onto your shoulder, rolling down the skin.

"Just hug me," you whisper. His arms automatically lock around your waist, chest quivering.

"Y/N I'm sorry," he cries. "I don't want to leave you but I don't have a choice."

"Don't worry about me, if you have to leave then go," you say. "I'll drive you to the airport."

"No I have to get Junmyeon," he says, letting you go. You feel the loss of contact hard, stepping back. You stay in his room as he leaves to go get Junmyeon. You can hear the knock on the leader's door. The two exchange inaudible words, and you don't strain to hear them.

Instead you take a seat on Yixing's bed, folding his clothes and gently setting them in his duffle bag. You exit his bedroom and walk into the bathroom, collecting his toiletries and placing them into a cosmetic bag. You make sure you've collected everything he'll need and you carry the bag into his room, placing it in the corner of his duffle bag. You dig through the closet until you find a black backpack and you rummage through it to make sure there are no weapons in it.

When you see it's empty, you place his phone charger and headphones in the front pocket. You grab his laptop and charger off his nightstand and place it into the laptop slot in the back of the backpack. You also add in the two books he bought while you were shopping for clothes when he got shot. You take a look around the room, trying to think of anything else he may need. You find a small throw blanket and add it to his backpack, zipping it up.

You throw in a couple gauze pads and bandages for his healing shoulder wound, hoping he can change it himself, or that even his grandma will know how to.

As you're looking for anything else to pack, Yixing enters the room once again. You step aside. You tell Yixing quickly what you packed for him and he grabs you into a hug, pressing his plush lips to your forehead.

"There's a flight leaving in two hours. There are still a few seats available on it since it's such an awful hour to fly at. I'll be back, Y/N, I promise. I have to go, you stay here. Chanyeol will take me to the airport," he says. You shake your head.

"Please let me drive you at least," you say, pulling away to look at his face.

"No, Y/N. You being there will make it harder for us both. I'll always come back for you, I won't ever leave you alone forever," he says. He slips his hand to your face so he can cup your cheek. "Listen, I want to be with you for a very long time, Y/N. If I could take you, I would. I can't keep you safe alone, you're safer here with everyone else."

"Yixing don't worry about me, this is more important," you say, tears pricking your eyes. His kind eyes scan your face, running along your features. Ever so slowly, he leans his face to yours until your lips are touching. He kisses you tenderly, as if he's scared to break you. You lean into the kiss, reciprocating the action.

The kiss sets your body on fire, your skin tingling in the best way. Butterflies are running rampant in your stomach, sending your head reeling. For a second, standing like this with Yixing, everything falls into place. Your suffering melts away, the danger you face falls out of your conscious and all you can think about is him. He pulls away, leaving you with a void in your chest.

"When I come back, we can talk about this," he says, pressing another kiss to your lips before grabbing his bags and leaving the room. It takes you a few seconds to regain yourself once again, but you do eventually. When you collect your senses, you run down the hallway and stairs, finding the foyer filled with everyone. They've all woken up because Yixing is leaving so suddenly.

"Y/N," Jongdae says. "Are you okay?" He asks. You look at him quizzically until you realize you're crying. You quickly wipe the tears away and nod, noticing the open front door. You hurry outside, running to say goodbye to him.

He's standing beside the jaguar, putting his stuff into the backseat. Chanyeol is already in the car and you find yourself baffled. Was I really standing there that long?

"Goodbye," Junmyeon says, hugging Yixing. "Come back safe."

"She deserves to know, Junmyeon. You have to tell her," He says quietly, but you still hear.

"I will," Junmyeon says. You walk over and the two step apart. Yixing holds out his hand for you and you take it, hugging him again.

"I'll be back, my love," he whispers in your ear. Just like that he's gone, leaving you alone in the darkness of the early morning. You watch incredulously as the car drives off, half expecting them to turn around and come back.

They don't come back though, and you're left alone in the driveway, watching them disappear into the horizon. You feel dejected, but you also trust that he will come back when he can.

In the Backseat {A Zhang Yixing Mafia AU!}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang