Chapter 37 - Suspicion

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     You end up spending a good chunk of your day alone with Jongdae. He keeps you busy by playing video games with you and making you watch movies. By the time the cars roll into the drive way, it's dark outside.

     When you see Yixing exit the first car, you're ready to run to greet him but Jongdae stops you. "Don't bother getting your feet cold on the pavement. He'll be inside soon."

     The comment makes you suspicious; you know they're hiding something from you. Your heart picks up speed, suddenly worry takes over you. They already deceived you once and now they're hiding things from you again, your head is reeling a mile a minute. Yixing opens the front door and walks over to you, taking your hand.

     "Are you tired?" He asks.

     "Where did you all go?" You inquire, ignoring his question.

     "Just to see Jiyong," Yixing replies.

     You narrow your eyes at him, "The entire day?"

     "Is something wrong?" Yixing asks. You shake your head dismissively, walking away from him. "Y/N, stop." You don't listen. Instead you climb the stairs and enter your own bedroom silently. You close the door behind you, thoughts scrambled. If they're really keeping more information from you again, can you even trust that you're not going to land yourself in the exact situation you were in before?

You groan and throw yourself onto your unused bed, burying your face into the comforter. Why can't anything just be easy?

A soft knock sounds at your door and you turn your head to the side. "Come in," you drawl lifelessly. The door opens and you don't look at the visitor, knowing it's Yixing. You know he hates it when you get upset at all, most of all with him.

"What's wrong?" He asks gently, sitting beside you on the bed. You childishly ignore him, turning your face away. "Y/N."

"You're hiding things from me again. Yixing I gave you all my absolute trust, if you break it again I can't stay here. If I have to I'll go live alone in the worst slum around, but I can't live with not knowing what you all are truly thinking. If this is how it's always going to be with you then I'm leaving and that's that."

Yixing sighs, "Y/N we're not keeping anything from you, I swear on my life. We got past the betrayal and I don't want to betray your trust ever again, I promise you that I'd tell you if something was going on."

"I want to believe you but I'm having trouble," you answer dejectedly, sitting up on the bed.

"Y/N all I want to do is protect you and keep you safe, lying to you isn't protecting you, it's hindering you. I promised both you and myself that I wouldn't let anything bad happen to you ever again, and I intend to keep that promise very strictly. On God I'd never mislead you like I did in the past ever again." Yixing takes your hand very gently, stroking your knuckles. He raises your hand to his lips and presses a soft kiss to each knuckle, your worries melting away with each touch of skin.

"Okay," you resolve, hoping you were just overreacting.

"Lets go to bed, Y/N."

You wake up the next morning without Yixing beside you again. You weakly grasp around the sheets, seeking out his body heat. When you finally clue in that he's not there with you, you're forced to sit up and try to wake yourself up. Taking in the room, you realize that it's 12:00 pm and you've way overslept again. You stand up and rush to get ready, hoping Yixing is downstairs.

To be completely honest, you're not sure what you'd do if Yixing wasn't downstairs; If you found out that everyone except for one person was gone again. You know that you need to get a hold of yourself and stop freaking out so much, but you can't help it. Once you've been double crossed, it's hard to just get over it. The doubt chews at your mind and now it has something to feed off of, a real possibility of lies.

When you finally finish getting ready, you quickly run down the stairs, praying that you'll see Yixing sitting at the kitchen table. When you reach the bottom of the stairs, you quickly realize no one is in the living room, just like yesterday. There's no noise or any kind of hint that there's nine boys lurking around the corner.

You put your head in your hands, angry that you can't get out of your own mind. The more you doubt Yixing the more you damage the possibility of the two of you having a real life together once this is all over. If you can't trust the man you think you like, then what's the point in the first place? If Yixing told you he did want to take things to the next level, and label your relationship, could you really be with a man you weren't 100% positive you could trust with anything?

Before you can self destruct any further, a voice calls out. "Y/N I'm in the kitchen!" You recognize it as Mina's quickly, so you slowly trudge to the kitchen, sure the other boys have ditched the premises. You can't wait to have to move into a janky apartment building in the middle of the worst neighbourhood in Seoul. You probably couldn't even afford a place to live. Your stomach starts to hurt because you're overthinking so much.

You reach the entryway to the kitchen and stop dead in your tracks when you see what's awaiting you. There's a huge cake on the table, candles perched readily on top that say "20". There is a stack of gifts beside the table, wrapped in pretty wrapping paper, sporting eccentric bows and ribbons. All of the guys, including Mina, and scattered around the kitchen under a huge banner that says "HAPPY 20TH BIRTHDAY Y/N"

To say you're shocked speechless is an understatement. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" They all yell at you and you find tears building in your eyes. One drips down your cheek and onto the floor.

You watch Yixing walk towards you and take you into his arms warmly. "We weren't hiding anything dangerous from you, we were planning a surprise party for you, your first birthday party ever. We wanted to make it special for you. As special as you are," he whispers in your ear, butterflies erupting in your stomach uncomfortably.

Just like that you break into sobs of happiness. Your first birthday party ever, 20 years after your birth.

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