Chapter 5 - Recovery

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After you got freshened up and showered, Yixing provided you with a t shirt and sweatpants that belong to one of the boys who live here. He informed you that a man named Baekhyun outgrew the sweats years ago but he hoards clothes so never threw them out.

The shower had a seat already equipped in it for others to use. Apparently gunshot wounds are very common in this house, and that this is the 54th bullet wound Yixing has had to deal with. A weight is lifted off your shoulders at the idea that you weren't just operated on by a complete medical moron, but rather by someone who knows what they're doing.

You take a look at yourself in the mirror from your seat one last time before you knock on the door and Yixing opens it. "Ready?" He asks. You nod and he picks you up again, carrying you down a long flight of stairs. When the two of you finally reach the bottom, you are welcomed by a black leather wheelchair and a living room. Carefully, Yixing places you in the cold leather chair and pushes you deeper into the house.

"You know we stole this wheelchair from a hospital once," Yixing says. You turn your head but still can't spot him behind you.

"Are you telling me I'm riding in a stolen chair? Yixing this is unacceptable I'm going to have to get out right now. I do not mess with the illegal world," you say, chuckling. He lets out a loud laugh, patting you on the shoulder.

"How big is this house even?" You ask, looking at all the different paintings hung on the walls. Whoever decorated the house has impeccable style.

     "There are 9 permanent residents with 21 comers and goers. It's very big," Yixing replies. "We're in the middle of no where, 35 minutes out of Seoul. It's hard to find but unsuspecting enough if you drive by. It just looks like your average country home," Yixing explains. You hear yelling from somewhere in the house and you brace yourself for a crazy time.

     Yixing pushes you through a threshold and into a kitchen where you count five grown men running around.

     "Oh Baekhyun I'm going to WHOOP YOUR ASS," The one you recognize as Kyungsoo is screaming, chasing after a brunette guy who you assume is Baekhyun.

     "CHANYEOL HELP," Baekhyun screams. A man with red hair who is perched at the table looks at the two running and bursts into fits of laugher.

     "Y/N, you're awake!" Junmyeon exclaims, stopping everyone else dead in their tracks. The five pairs of eyes stare at you and suddenly you tense up.

     "Hi," you answer, immediately avoiding eye contact.

"Come, take a seat everyone," he says. The six of you gather around the table, Yixing parking your wheelchair between him and and the only man you don't know the name of. He has a muscular build and jet black hair that is vaguely curly.

"First of all I'd like to thank you from the bottom of my heart, Y/N. You saved my life instead of taking it," Junmyeon says, smiling at you. You look down, smiling at your lap shyly. "You quite literally took a bullet for your actions and I want you to know how grateful I am. Saving someone's life at the expense of your own safety is something extraordinary."

"To be fair I was going to die either way. The consequence of killing you would be death by your gang members. The consequence of not killing you would be death by my father. I was stuck and I decided to save a life instead of having more deaths than necessary. I've never killed anyone and I intend to keep it that way for as long as I can manage," you reply, shivering in the cool temperature. Yixing stands up and walk out silently, and for a second you feel panic set in. If he leaves, you're defenceless in a room full of strangers.

Baekhyun speaks, "I find it funny your brother missed killing you. According to Yixing the two of you were running in a straight line, it's kind of hard to miss the mark when you're as trained a killer as your brother must be."

Your blood runs cold at the remark. You have always been a better shot than your brother, but he never missed a kill. Even if he was two inches off target it still did the job. He doesn't miss, neither of you do. So why did he?

"What are you thinking?" The man beside you asks.

"I'm thinking that the fact I'm sitting here alive right now is not due to a missed shot. My brother doesn't miss, we know what happens when we miss. My father wouldn't let his kids live if we missed. I'm meant to be alive, that shot wasn't meant to kill me, only scare me and wound me. Maybe it is a control thing but maybe it's something deeper than that," you answer, sighing deeply. Yixing returns with a black fluffy blanket over his arm. He smiles warmly at you and covers you up with it, tucking it under your thighs.

"I noticed you were cold," he comments quickly before sitting down.

"Thank you," you reply, touched that he noticed.

"Your family isn't sloppy. Your father didn't rise to the top of the food chain by being sloppy so it only makes sense that his kids are not either. I can't help but feel that this is a set up and we've landed ourselves in the middle of something very dangerous," Junmyeon says. Your heart drops. They think you have something to do with this.

You sigh once again, "I promise you from the bottom of my heart if I have a purpose here that my dad expects me to fulfill I have no knowledge of it. It is true that I really don't want to die, but I would never put a whole other group of people in harms way to save my own skin. I'm tired of being a pawn in a game, Junmyeon. I'm tired of my father controlling what I do and me allowing him to. I'm sick of it and I can't do it anymore. When he told me I had to kill you, I decided if I had to die I'd try to save someone else's life before I went.

When I was unconscious I was floating in abyss of nothing and I wondered if that was what death truly is like. For the first time in my entire life I felt free, like nothing was holding me down. I have never been free before. So many people born into my family don't know what freedom is, and died before they could even taste it. I watched my brother die at the age of seven because my father decided he wasn't going to be of much use. After my twin brother killed my little brother, my turned against my mother and killed her for giving him such a useless child. My twin ended our brother's life at the age of twelve.

I'm done living with that, I'm done falling under the weight of those who have done such terrible things that I have been forced to witness and bear with for the rest of my life. I would never help their plans this much, the only thing I ever did to help them was be a pawn, a face to show off and someone who brought in stacks of cash because I could race. I never killed anyone or tried to conspire to kill someone. I promise." You finish your speech and make eye contact with everyone sitting at the table.

"Well Y/N, welcome to EXO."

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