Chapter 3 - Honey

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      You stand idly in the bathroom for a couple of minutes after Yixing left. Come with him? If you go with him your fate is undecided, you may end up in the back of a black van, dead. On the other hand you may end up on the streets but very much alive. Was he being honest? Would he help you?

You make your decision faster than you'd like to admit. You'd rather die at the hand of a gang that isn't your fathers than submit completely. Your freedom is seconds away and you can taste it on the tip of your tongue, you're longing for it so completely you're ready to throw away all logic in the pursuit of something so uncertain.

So you throw thoughts out of the window and march out of the bathroom, a new determination igniting your veins. Then you realize you have no idea which way North is. Northwest? What the fuck does that even mean?!

     You internally scream, walking back into the main room. You allow yourself to be swept away with the people swirling about the room, trying to blend in as you frantically search for which door Yixing meant. All of a sudden he's at your side, coming out of no where.

      "The door to the left of Zico." And then he's gone again. You spin around, looking for him and then realizing you look incredibly suspicious. Trying to look as you did before your exit, you make your way back to your father calmly. He stares you down, eyes colder than before. He suspects you and you know it. You're prey and he's just started hunting you. You can only hope that Yixing can get you out before a bullet takes you out.

     "I'm sorry that took so long. I had trouble finding the restroom," you say, trying to sound apologetic. Your dad nods curtly once, turning away from you to make a comment to your brother. Turning round, you spot the door Yixing had indicated for you to use. Zico's eyes are once again trained on you, and you notice Yixing beside him. He says something quickly but pointedly and Zico nods once.

     "Father I'm going to go say hello to Zico," you say. Your father looks at you but has no response, so you make a beeline towards the handsome man perched on his chair. It gets you close enough to the door but not too close to be suspicious.

     "Greetings, Y/N," he says, leaning back in his chair. You have known Zico since your father brought you to the meeting for the very first time. Zico is older than you by a bit, but he's still kind to you.

     "Hey," you reply, sitting across from him. "How's it going?"

     "I saw your race last night. You killed it. Your car is getting faster," he says, ignoring your pointless question. "What kind of car is it?"

     "I've been working on it a lot. It's a remodelled Ford Mustang," you answer. "After every race I try and improve something on it. You can't get lazy or else you'll lose. You know what happens if I lose." Zico grimaces but holds his face steady quickly.

     "If you ever need anything, you know my number. I have a new burner phone," he says. His voice drops so low you can barely hear him. "Yixing told me they're breaking you out. Trust him, he's a good man. He'll take care of you, especially since you can make so much cash from a race. Trust me, I'll see you soon," he says. Just like that the lights cut out, and everything goes completely black. Someone grabs your arm in the darkness and you're ripped out of your chair.

     "It's me. We have to move now." You recognize Yixing's voice through the screaming and yelling in the room. You stumble alongside Yixing through what you think is a door and trip on a step. "We're going up. Hurry." You run up the stairs, heels clicking loudly on each step.

     You reach a landing and cling onto Yixing as he shoves you through another door and starts running. You're stumbling over your own feet and dress as you run with him, relying on him to hold you upright. You bust through a door and into the night air. Others are around you whom you can only assume have to be other EXO members. Yixing is running towards a van with you in tow, looking behind him as he grunts and starts faster.

     Without looking, you know your father is behind you. Maybe your brother. You know something bad is about to happen and you know it's going to happen no matter what you do. The man with black hair in front of you and Yixing hop into the van, holding out his hand for you as you hear a gunshot and a searing pain is sent through your body. Something wet and sticky is running down your side, soaking your dress. Yixing calls out your name as the man in the van grabs you by the elbow, wrenching you into the van.

     The door slams and gunshots pepper the side as you're thrown across a row of seats. You're chocking and spluttering, clutching your side. "Y/N move your arm," the man orders, shoving your hand away from the wound. The van takes a sharp left and he loses his balance and is tossed to the side a bit. He curses and takes his jacket off, pushing it against your wound. You cry out at the pressure and taste something harsh and metallic in your throat.

     "You're not going to die here. I promised you I'd get you out and damn it I will," Yixing says, and you spot him turned around on the row of seats in front of you. You have no idea who is all in the van, the only thing you're aware of the is the sole fact you have been shot and you are bleeding out on the back seat of a van.

     The man speaks once again, "Y/N listen, my name is Kyungsoo. I'm going to take care of you, do you know your blood type?" He asks. Your head snaps to the side with the force of a bump in the road and you lose focus.

     Blood type, blood type. "A," you wheeze out. "I'm blood type A." Kyungsoo nods.

     "Chanyeol fucking step on it!" Yixing yells over his shoulder. "I'm not letting her die here!" The last thing you hear is Yixing's desperate voice before you slip out of consciousness and into the warm cradle of oblivion. Maybe you wouldn't mind dying here.

In the Backseat {A Zhang Yixing Mafia AU!}Where stories live. Discover now