Chapter 29 - Move

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When you once again regain consciousness, you're sprawled our across the floor. Your body is screaming at you in agony, your freed arms now giving you pain. You roll onto your back, trying to control your breathing.

"Oh thank god I thought you were dead," Mina says, crawling over to the bars to look at you. You push yourself into a sitting position, crawling over to your brother's remains. You pile them into the blanket neatly with his teddy bear, folding the blanket around his bones. You quietly eat your stale bun, and then drink your water without much thought.

"I'm going to kill my brother," you say, staring straight ahead.

You spend an excruciatingly long time waiting to kill your brother, you've decided you're going to do it. You've shown him too much mercy, so much so that you're ready to put an end to the detestable man. He doesn't come back for a very long time, until one day he does. A whole barrage of guards are with him and he waltzes over to your cell. They unlock it before you can make a move and two guards grab you, one on each arm. You're hauled up and out of the cell.

"Y/N!" Mina yells after you, but she can't do anything. You're dragged up the stairs and into the harsh light of daytime. You let out a cry of pain at the assault on your eyes.

"You look just terrible sister," Jake says, leading the guards up the stairs to the second level of your house. You're thrown into a bathroom, your bathroom. It's swept clean of anything you could hurt yourself with, and you know you're supposed to get cleaned up. You hesitantly look in the mirror, and you barely recognize yourself. Your hair is a matted mess, your eyes have sunk in a considerable amount. Your eyes are red and bloodshot, lips white and cracked. You're unnaturally pale, more pale than you've ever been before.

You don't look at yourself any longer, you strip your disgusting clothes from your skin and don't look down at your body. If you look at yourself any longer, you know you'll lose your mind.

You scrub your skin until it's red and angry, trying desperately to rid yourself of that disgusting basement. You wash your hair with seven rounds of shampoo and eight rounds of conditioner, unable to work the knots out without it. You use an entire 2 litre bottle of conditioner, finally convinced you don't smell of must and death anymore. You untangle your surprisingly long hair and wonder to yourself how long you've been in that cell for. You take your time blow drying you hair and then put on the pair of clean clothes that have been laid out for you.

You put your hair into a ponytail and hesitate. A sharp knock comes at the door and you open it, knowing they won't allow you any more time. As soon as the door is wide enough, you're grabbed by the arms again and hauled down to the main level. You're brought to the living room in which your dad is lounging, sitting on the couch and drinking tea. Mina is sitting across from him, clean and wearing an outfit similar to yours. She looks different in the light, prettier even.

"Oh, Y/N. How kind of you to join us," Your father says. You're forced into a chair beside Mina's and you stare with hate at your father.

"We're a little short on money. So many people have been leaving to work with those maggots you call EXO. This loss is money is very annoying to me, Y/N so it's your job to make it back. You'll race today," your father says, leaning forward.

"What the hell makes you think that I'll do a damn thing for you?" You ask.

"Well, my dear, since I know you don't value your own life very much, I've decided that if you lose I'll kill her," he says, gesturing at Mina. "She wasn't enough to keep her unruly brother in check, but maybe she'll prove useful with you."

"You disgust me," you spit. Your father chuckles lightly.

"And I know so perfectly how to control you," he says. "Let's move out." You're picked up again by guards and forced outside into the dark night. It's warm, but you can't figure out what season it is.

They throw you into the black van you're so accustomed to, forcing you into the back seat. Your brother sits beside you, and Mina in front. Your brother still has the blanket of bones in his lap, leaning close to you.

"We can ride again together! It'll be just like old times! Ollie can even come this time!" He exclaims. The nickname for your little brother makes you shiver, nausea rising quickly. You force it down, leaning away from the grotesque man beside you.

"Any funny business and I'll take a finger off your dear friend," your father drawls, grabbing Mina's wrist. You tense, head foggy with fear. He'll cut her fingers off? You don't doubt for a second that he will, you know he will. You know he has a weapon perfect for the job tucked somewhere in that suit of his.

You don't answer his threat, but you can see the horror stamped onto Mina's face. She knows he'll do it too, there's no doubt about it. "I had to waste money to buy you a new car, since your maggots have your mustang. It's some kind of Nissan or whatever. A GTR or something," you brother says, waving a hand haphazardly.

Then it hits you, the realization. Your father wants you to lose, he's counting on it. He's throwing a new car at you and making you race the same day he takes you out of captivity. He's convinced you're going to lose, and he can't wait for it to happen. He wants to kill Mina, he wants to kill you too. He wants to rip away your legacy, your reputation. He wants to take it all from you, and then your life. He's set you up to fail, and you know it.

Your thoughts race as the van pulls up to the racetrack, a whole fledge of black cars following your father. No one will dare mess with your father when we has so many enforcements in tow. You don't expect anyone to save you, and you know you can't save Mina's life. Maybe if you manage to crash the car badly enough, you'll be able to kill both you and Jake. The thought almost puts a smile on your face, but you know you have to try to win. If your father kills you so publicly he will solidify fear. People will follow him.

You have to win to stop your father.

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