chapter 14

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Today was finally the day that Lorenzo was going to come home. I was getting the girls ready to leave. Lorenzo insisted that we meet up with him at the cafe and have breakfast.

"Mia let's go" I said when I saw that she was sitting down while playing with her toys. She immediately stood up then ran over to me. I picked up a sleeping Amelia and she started fidgeting around a little. I bounced her a little bit and she quiet down. Amelia was up the whole night making a fuss, poor baby is teething.

I went to the kitchen and got her bottles and teething ring prepared.

"Momma let's go already" Mia whined while pulling me out of the kitchen, I smiled then followed her.

"Okay ok" I said as we left the house and got into the car. I told Steve the address of a more private cafe, where people won't be allowed up in my face.

"About Lorenzo's parents he never talks about them" I said then look over at Steve and he stiffened.

"Those people you don't wanna mess with them, they are dangerous" he said and I nodded slowly. "That's the only thing I can tell you those people are private so let Lorenzo tell you about them you won't hear it from me.

"Okay" I softly said and he nodded then gave me a smile. He pulled up at the cafe and we got out, as usual Mia runs out and enters the cafe. I picked up a sleeping Amelia and she knitted her eyebrows together while sucking on her pacifier.

I enter the cafe and my eyes scanned the room, it immediately landed on Lorenzo, who was already staring at me. He was seated at the back of the room with Mia all snuggled up in his arms.

"Hey" I said as I sat down and placed the diaper bag down on the table.

"Hey" he said in his deep voice and I bit my lip.

There was always something about his deep voice that send a different feeling to my body.

"Dada I missed you" Mia said with a sad pout and he hugged her tight.

"Daddy missed you too" he said then kissed her on the forehead. He look over at me then his eyes move down to Amelia. "She's asleep so early?" He asked and I nodded.

"She didn't get any sleep last night because she's teething" I simply said and he cocked one eyebrow up.

"That's a little bit early?" He asked.

"She's almost 6 months" I said then look down at her and she smiled in her sleep. I had a to aww.

"Baby fever?" He asked and I blushed.

"Dada can we go home?" Mia asked and we both shared a glance, I think it's because of what happened the last time at the other cafe.

"Princess we just got here, don't you want something to eat?" He asked and she shook her head.

"I wanna go home " she said and he looked up at me, I nodded and he stood up. I also got up and followed him to the car.


We were finally home, so I decided that I was going to prank Lorenzo before I leave and go back home.

I walked into the kitchen and took out a bottle of water then went back into the living room where everyone was.

"Did you have fun with mommy?" Lorenzo asked and she nodded and told him everything. If he's going to keep on referring to me as mommy she won't stop calling that, way to go Lorenzo. I walked over to Amelia who was still fast asleep in her bassinet.

"Lorenzo come here for a sec I want to tell you something" I said and he smirked then got up. We got up to his room and I walked over to his bed.

"Did you miss me?" He asked then wrapped his arms around my small waist and pulled me closer.

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