Chapter 1

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(Sorry guys! I got too excited to wait any longer!)

Annoyed by Cross's reaction, he wrapped a tendril around their mouth to keep them quiet.

"Ugh… of course of all the AUs, I had to be screamed at. What a bother."

(I'll change Cross!Chara's dialogue into italics to make it easier.)

"Oh, I'll show you a bother!"

He throws a ghost punch through Nightmare's skull. It doesn't affect anything but it was something.


"I'll let you go if you don't say a word."

Cross nods as much as he could with the limb around his head. Nightmare lets him go and retracts the slimy tentacle back to the space behind him with the others.

Nightmare lets out a soft pained breath, arm unconsciously sliding to cover his ribs. It hurt quite a lot considering the uncountable times he was struck by Dream's attacks.



"Idiot! Keep quiet! If you die, I die!"

Cross decides to ignore them. He knew the dark guardian was in pain. How could he not try to help them? And besides, all of the things Ink told him about the infamous king of darkness was mostly exaggerated. He wasn't really a killer like he says, right?

".... Are you okay…?"

Nightmare glares at him from the corner of his abyss-filled sockets, his usual dark cyan eyelights stronger now that he'd had a bit of rest.

"What part of 'don't say a word' don't you comprehend? It's too simple of an instruction for you to not follow, Cross."

"H-How do you know my name?"

Nightmare groans. So much for silence…

"Who cares. Now shut up."

He ignored Cross for the next few hours no matter how much Cross tried to talk to him. It came to a point where Nightmare's eyes widen in rage and annoyance as he shoved Cross to the ground by his neck, tentacles tightening until it became hard for him to breathe.


"Now listen here, you piece of sh*t. I don't care if you've been alone for days, or weeks, or f*cking years but I won't warn you again: leave me alone!"

Nightmare doesn't know why he doesn't just kill the poor excuse of a skeleton monster right then besides the infuriating rule he made for himself. No killing innocents. And as much as he hated to admit it, Cross was one of them. No LV whatsoever means he was on his annoying whitelist. All the while, Cross struggled to breathe and started to gasp painfully for air. Taking pity, NM let's  go and sat, facing away from Cross. His healing was fast but god did he wish it was faster.

Coughing and wheezing as air filled his nonexistent lungs once more, Cross stays on the ground. Chara had retreated into their soul, knowing a losing fight when he saw one. What could he have done anyway? Summoned a knife only to just flail around with it? That's unbelievably stupid and frankly, humiliating. Having a good plan of escape and counter was much better than blindly going on instinct. Even Cross knew that (despite the numerous times he ignored the useful advice). Deciding to learn from his mistakes, and only having almost been suffocated to death, he does indeed leave Nightmare alone. …. Oh, who was he kidding? He started again an hour later. He tries to not be as annoying this time around.

"...... So…. Nightmare, right?"

No response.

"......... How did you get hurt?"

Silence… and then:

"A fight."

Yes! He did it! Cross cheered mentally.

"O-Oh… Must've been serious. Who fought you?"

Nightmare growls.

"None of your business."

"Okay, okay! Just curious…"

Another silence stretched until Cross broke it again.

"What does it feel like to be covered in goop?"


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