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"SURRENDER NOW! WE HAVE YOU SURROUNDED!" The sound of a gruff man's voice cut through the night atmosphere. Although, it was surprising that anyone heard him over the apocalyptic sound of helicopter blades beating the air. Tonight was absolute chaos. Sleek black vans cut off the north side of the street while police cop cars cut off the south.

When Mia had an emergency call of gang members having a shootout with her fellow employees, this isn't what she expected. Her short, curly hair danced in every which direction thanks to the jarring conditions, and the navy windbreaker she spotted did nothing to help. Sweat, despite the harsh winds, lined her brow as she gripped the cool metal of her gun tighter while her gloved pointer finger trembled on the trigger. It wasn't the fact that the Brooklyn police force was finally going to catch the Don, nor the fact she was standing smack dab in the middle of the frontlines, just a few meters away from one of the dangerous groups in the US and Europe. It was the adrenaline that pumped through her veins. This was the first actual standoffs she had ever been to.

One of the helicopters (that belonged to the police station and not the news outlets) shone a blinding spotlight onto the dark cars below. They glinted underneath the harsh blaze. However, nobody exited the car. Did they have a death wish? They were vastly outnumbered and all of the officers were armed. Mia gritted her teeth. Typical gang leader, thinking that he was better than and above the law.

"AMBROGINO! IF YOU DON'T EXIT THE VEHICLE WE WILL SHOOT! COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS UP!" Her chief boomed again into the loudspeaker, and as if the Don finally had some sense, one of the car doors opened. Mia's breath hitched and she felt her body go ridged as a long leg emerged out of the passenger seat of the car. The leg connected it's twin and an muscular torso.

He stepped out of the car.

Mia's eyes glared at him. She had never seen the Don in person. But much like the rest of her police force, she had caught wind of the gruesome things he would do to people who wronged him, even his associated who "snitched". He was like a plague, bringing death and misery wherever he went. His presence even got so infamy that people resorted to just calling him "The Don" instead of his name, believing it to bring bad luck. Herself included. He was the epitome of sex, money and power. He was the boogeyman of this town, scaring children and making even the toughest of men cower. He basically had all of Brooklyn in the palm of his bloodied hand, with connections that reached as far as Australia. He was a stone cold murderer, and he was finally going to get what he deserved.

The man stepped into the spotlight with his head tilted down. He was tall, with muscle on him. The criminal had short, black, hair that was blowing In the wind. A black suit jacket hugged his arms, showing exactly what kind of physic he had. A pristine white button up adorned the inside of the jacket, with the top three buttons exposing his hardened chest. He wore black suit pants and designer shoes, those of which that probably cost more than Mia's rent. She did to know what to expect of a mafia leader, but he looked a little young to run a whole mafia. He had to be less than thirty years of age. She couldn't really get a good look of his face, but his stature told her everything she needed to know.

Three red dots centered in the middle of the the Don's tilted head. He didn't even flinch.

"DON'T SHOOT! WE NEED HIM ALIVE! PUT YOUR HANDS UP!" Her chief barked, making Mia cringe. He was using a megaphone. Was yelling really necessary?

The Don stayed in the same position for a few seconds before raising his hand up, revealing a handgun in his right hand. Before Mia's boss could yell again, he let the gun go and the weapon dropped to the concrete. The radio secured on the young police woman's chest read orders to apprehend the man, and she and her colleagues did just that.

With her gun raised, she approached the made man. He was taller than her by about a foot, which was no surprise since Mia knew she was a petite woman. As she got closer, she noted that his chest was filled with tiny scars. Battle wounds, she thought. Before she was done analyzing him, the brute raised his head.

Mia's breath got caught in her throat. His skin was a light olive, reinforcing his Italian roots. Piercing azure orbs glared back at her, with hatred and anger swirling inside them. Just his eyes alone commanded power and authority. His eyebrows were locked into a dark glare. He had a slender nose, leading to an arched Cupid's bow and shaped pink lips. Stubble adorned his jaw, neat and well kept. He was attractive, very much so at that. If he wasn't violent murderer, he could've been a model.

Mia quickly ripped her own chocolate eyes away from his, intimidation creeping up on her. She quickly stationed herself behind his and grabbed his wrists. They were hard to the touch and thicker than hers. She cleared her throat. Now wasn't the time to be checking out the mafia don.

"You have the right to remain silent," she started, securing the handcuffs on his wrists. He clenched his jaw but remained silent. "Anything you say or do will be used against you in a court of law." Mia's colleagues lowered their guns as she read out the rest of his rights by heart. "With these rights in mind do you wish to speak to me?"

"Mia Lawrence, was it?" His voice came out a deep baritone, his words stained with an Italian accent. Her voice sounded so... sultry on his tongue. She paused, grateful she was behind him so he couldn't see her surprised face. "How do you know–"

"We're going to get real acquainted with each other, si?"

How the hell did he know her name? Her name plate only displayed her last name!

Picking up on her stunned expression, her comrades walked the Don to one of the cop cars, and if she wasn't mistaken, a dark smirk touched this lips As soon as the Don was whisked away, more members left the cars with their hands up. Mia stood there, in the middle of the road with the spotlight illuminating her. She drowned out her chief yelling and even the siren blaring behind her.

How did the Don know her name?

First chapter down. I swear the hardest thing about writing a story is figuring out how you want to start it off😭 anyways, I update every Friday, please make sure to vote and comment!

DEAD WOMAN WALKING  (THE BLOOD IN MY VEINS #1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora