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AFTER THAT NIGHT, MIA BECAME UNDERSTANDABLY ANXIOUS. Well, that was a bit of an understatement. Paranoid, was more fitting. She constantly watched her surroundings for any black cars, silver cars, any car that looked affiliated wit the mafia. Yet if seemed that after that night, Ambrogino no longer felt the need to send Adriano to check up on the young woman. Her days grew longer and the exact opposite happened to her nights. She grew restless, insisting that someone had bugged her apartment, or there were hidden video cameras. How else would the Don know of her sleeping habits? She no longer felt safe in her own home, dressing up in her closet—in the dark of course—and feeling extremely exposed while taking a shower. It once got so bad she had left her home to take a shower in Sam's house.

It was pathetic, she knew. But she also knew that the mafia just loved themselves some Mia, and her home was undoubtedly bugged. She had no evidence, but something in her gut just told her.

As the days melted into weeks, her paranoia never wavered. She checked for cameras daily, so much so that it had become a routine for her when she got back from work. At this point, she wanted them to show themselves again so she could convince herself that she wasn't crazy. Fuck, being involved with the mafia fucking sucked.

"Wait, wait, wait, what? You lost me." Sam's accented voice echoed around her apartment. She had rested her phone on the couch above her, putting him on speaker as she checked underneath for cameras or wires.

"Listen to what I'm saying, Sam!" She stressed, pushing her flashlight deeper under the couch. "Someone is watching me!" She felt hesitant to tell her colleague about the mafia. He might start asking questions that she didn't want to answer.

She heard her partner sigh loudly. She heard sheets rustling and a woman's voice in the background. He probably had to leave one of his girls to deal with her. She didn't care. At this point, her life was in danger. "Mia, do you know what time it is?" He asked, fatigue clearly in his voice.

"Tick past fucking tock. Who cares! Did you not hear me?" It was eleven in the night.

"Mia you've called me for the exact same claim for the past fucking week. No one is watching you."

"Bullshit!" She got up, pushing the brown curls away from her forehead. "I fucking know someone is watching me." She looked at her apartment. It looked like a tornado had violently stormed through it.

"Yet you have no proof."

"Not yet," she said sheepishly. "But! I've been looking."

She heard her partner let out another sigh. "Goodnight, Mia."

The young woman quickly jumped up, grabbing her phone. "No! If I go missing I need you to be on the–" She stopped talking as she heard the line go dead. Fuck. "" She finished. She let out a deep sigh and grabbed her phone. She rested her back against the couch. She was losing her damn mind. She looked down at her phone with the intention of calling him back. She punched his number back in and watched it ring until the phone suddenly turned off. Mia furrowed her eyebrows.

"Aw, are you cereal? Damn iPhone." She muttered, knowing good and well she had no intention of switching to another type of phone. She grumbled, attempting to charge the phone and restart it, but it seemed no matter what she did the damn thing wouldn't turn back on. Mia frowned. She bet Ambrogino was laughing at her through the cameras.

DEAD WOMAN WALKING  (THE BLOOD IN MY VEINS #1)Where stories live. Discover now