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MIA SPEED WALKED THROUGH THE doors of the station with a glazed donut stuffed in between her glossed lips. Her arms were above her head, desperately trying to fix the mop of curls on her dome. She hadn't meant to oversleep, but her alarm clock seemed to be malfunctioning for the last few days, waking her up in the dead of night. She frowned. She needed a new alarm clock.

"Lawrence!" She heard her boss' gravely voice behind her, stopping her in her tracks. Mia presses her eyelids together, letting out a string of curses in her head. She slowly reached down, removing the donut from her mouth. She turned around sheepishly to see her boss standing behind her, arms crossed and a stern look on his face.

"Sir, I can exp–"

"Save your explanation. This is your third time this week, Lawrence." He gruffed out, scratching his chin. His eyes narrowed. "Fix it. Or I will." Mia flinched at his harsh tone, the Carmel skin of her face flashing a soft red. She couldn't help but to feel embarrassed, seeing as this had never happened in the two years she had been working there. She was always on time, and because of a stupid broken alarm clock, her perfect attendance had been broken. Go figure. She heard her boss let out a breath.

"Anyways, you arrived right on time. Another emergency call was made just five minutes ago. You and Sam need to go check it out."

She froze upon hearing that name.


"I don't care what childish feud you two are having. This is the police station not a damn high school."

Mia reluctantly nodded. "Yes sir." Her chief nodded before turning on his heel and leaving. Mia facepalmed. She didn't know that even Chief Jackson knew of the little... spat her and Sam were currently in. It all started when the bastard chose some redhead chick over her, who he had knew for years. She considered him her best friend, and while that wasn't he first time he had done that , it would definitely be the last. Ever since he had chosen the redhead and got her quite literally kidnapped those weeks ago, she had barley been talking to him.Mia groaned before trudging over to her desk.

The blonde in question was already there, equipped with two cups of coffee in his large hands. A smile was present against his lips as she slowly walked over.

"Late again? That's your third time this week." Sam joked, letting out a strained chuckle. Mia's eyes flickered to his briefly as he handed her a coffee.

"Yup." She said curtly, avoiding eye contact with the male. She looked at the file on her desk. "Can we leave now?"

Sam sighed before following her out to the patrol cars. "Mia, it's been three weeks! How many times do you want me to apologize?" The male said, clearly exasperated. Mia got in the drivers seat while her partner was in the passenger. "Look. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for leaving you. I'm sorry–"

"Maybe you wouldn't have to apologize if  you had been acting like my actual friend in the first place!" She snapped, angrily turning the car on. The cool leather chilled her heated palms as she gripped the steering wheel. She punched the location of the house hey we're going to in the GPS before pulling out of the station.

"In my defense, you were the one who decided not to use your own car." Sam pointed out, shrugging. Mia practically had to force herself not to strangle him. She had rode with him multiple times, so that wasn't the point and he knew it. She glared at the road in front of her. "That's not the point. You were the one to offer me a ride!The date stood me up, and you were too fucking horny to drive your best friend home." She said through her teeth. Sam looked at her, running his hand through his dirty blonde locks. "Okay. I'll take that. See? We're talking. This is good." Mia rolled her eyes, scoffing. "Ugh, shut up."

DEAD WOMAN WALKING  (THE BLOOD IN MY VEINS #1)Where stories live. Discover now