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THE CAR RIDE FELT LIKE hours. Nothing was said and her presence went ignored. Even her assigned driver had gone quiet in the trunk. It was uncomfortable, but Mia eventually learned to accept the silence, leaning against the car door. She allowed herself to stop being as tense. If they wanted her dead–which she was hoping they didn't—she would be. The young officer felt the car take another sharp turn before she looked out the window. Her heart skipped a beat at what she laid her eyes on.


The building was dark and ominous. Despite it being a cool autumn day, Mia could feels the miserable and dangerous aura the place gave off. The building itself was grey in color, with the monochrome bricks chipping and cracking at some point. The place was surrounded by a chain link fence with barbed wire spiraling in top. Mia gulped.

"End of field trip," The man beside her muttered. The buff men quickly hopped out of the car and opened the door for them. Almost immediately, the young woman was hit with the dead breeze. The air was cool but felt thin. Jeez, even the air sound this place was miserable. Mia stepped out of the car, thankful for finally getting to stretch her legs. She didn't know how long she had been in the car, but she was certain her legs fell asleep.

She turned to her captor. Standing at his full he was around the same height as the Don, if not , just a few inches shorter. As expected, he towered over her.

"Are we even in Brooklyn anymore?" She asked cautiously. He had hours of silence. Mia had questions and she needed answers. The man before her stretched, his long arms reaching for the shaky. Mia heard something in his body crack and internally cringed.

"No, Riccia. We are on New York City soil." He said with that shit eating grin on his face. New York? That was miles away from Brooklyn! What was so important that the Don had to have sent a a fucking car and drove miles out of the city for? He inhaled deeply before sighing in content. "Ah, the smell of depression and agony. Don't you love that?"

Mia have him a look. "No." She said bitterly. The man chuckled before turning to one of the buff men who looked like he was about to burst with muscles. He patted the car trunk with his gloves hands, earning terrified whimpers to emerge from inside the small space. "Make sure our buddy here doesn't escape or draw any attention." The swole man nodded and adjusted his shades. Why did he even need those? The sun wasn't even out.

"Yes, Sir." The buff man nodded, standing in front of the trunk with his hands crossed in front of him.

The man turned to her before stretching his arm towards the entrance. His grin turned sadistic.

"Ladies first."

Walking down the halls of the facility made her skin crawl. Murderers, rapists, hell, even cannibals were Imprisoned here. Sure, she was a cop, but that many horrible people in one building put her off. Not to mention the whistling man in front of her. Her captor seemed joyous to walk down the metallic hallways, even going so far as to greet some of the inmates. He had clearly been here before.

They stopped at a metal door with bars for windows at the higher end of it. She felt her heart rate speed up as her captor pushed open the door. The place was empty, except for the circular metallic tables that were littered across the room that were connected to chairs. One of the tables had a tan colored file in the middle of it, just sitting there. She wondered what for.The room itself was slightly dim, with flickering cylinder lights a cool draft. She couldn't seem to get away from the cold today, huh? She turned to the man who brought her here.

DEAD WOMAN WALKING  (THE BLOOD IN MY VEINS #1)Where stories live. Discover now