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TODAY WAS THE DAY. Mia cleared her throat and observed herself in the mirror. Her bronze curls sat on her head in a defined Afro look, short, stray ringlets falling on her forehead framed her face making her somehow look more professional. A thin coat on clear lipgloss blanketed her peachy, full lips. A baby blue button up sat comfortably on her torso, towards the top of the shirt unbuttoned. She wore dark grey slacks that hugged her hips and thighs well, and to finish the look, dainty black flats. She wasn't even going to lie... she was nervous as hell. What possessed Ambrogino, the head of the Italian mafia, to invite her, a fucking police officer, to his trial? He didn't even give her a time, she had to find that peoce of information out on her own.

She sighed and made her way out of her bathroom and towards the front door. He had also told her that if she didn't have a ride he would send a car–she stopped trying to figure out how he could do stuff from in prison, too confusing. Mia paused, resting her petite hands on the cool and reflective surface of her doorknob. Speaking of what he said, the Don had spoken a lot of bogus words yesterday, even having the audacity to choke her. Mia felt a shiver sprint down her spine, goosebumps prickling her skin. She could still feel his strong fingers wrapping around her throat, just itching to apply pressure. She reached her fingers up and brushed her neck. Realizing what she was doing, she shook her head and put her hand back on the doorknob.

As if on cue, someone banged on her door. Mia jumped, furrowing her eyebrows and opening the door. As expected, There stood Adriano, dressed in no doubt an Armani suit. She briefly questioned how he knew where she lived. His ebony hair fell in a tuft on his forehead and had been recently washed by the slick look of it. He held his usual dark grin, standing over Mia radiating confidence. The two buff men that Mia had recognized from yesterday stood behind the grinning man, shades adding intimidation to them.

"Wow, that's a surprise." He chuckled. "You're actually awake and ready. For a minute there I thought I would have to break the door down." The young woman looked at the mobster warily.

"Right," She said, giving him a look. The shorter woman stepped out of her apartment, turning around to lock her doors. She felt nervous, having to turn her back to Adriano. She felt hyper aware of him, holding her keys between her fingers in such a way that she could easily strike in case he wanted to attack. Who knew what his role was in the mafia. She nearly jumped out of her skin when his gloved hands came down on her shoulder.

"Oh no, that won't be necessary." He mused, gently pulling her, and her keys, away from the door. She turned to him.

"Um, what?" She questioned. "What do you mean that won't be necessary? I'm locking my doors."

Adriano's eyes peered into her own. "Gino gave an order for these two–" the gestured to the big men behind him. "–to search your place for anything valuable to our little investigation. You understand don't you?" He said in a taunting voice, amusement dancing in those eyes of his. The young officer furrowed her eyebrows. Like hell she was going to let these...criminals do God knows what in her apartment.

"If you know about my dad then you know about me. I'm an officer. I could charge you for breaking and entering."

Adriano's grin widened. "Good thing you're gonna let them search willingly, yes?"

"Hell no! I'm not going to let your men search my home!"

"I don't think you have a choice, munchkin." He let out another chuckle, placing his gloved hands in his pockets. As he pushed his suit jacket back to out his hand in his pocket, a gun glinted in his pants. Mia's breath hitched and the two big men behind him suddenly pushed passed her and into her apartment, slamming and locking the door behind them. She stared at her closed door, contemplating if she should pull out her own concealed weapon. She had a feeling she would need it, despite firearms being prohibited in the courtrooms.

DEAD WOMAN WALKING  (THE BLOOD IN MY VEINS #1)Where stories live. Discover now