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MIA QUICKLY SNATCHED HER EYES AWAY from the reflective surface. Lust? How could she be lusting after the man who kidnapped, imprisoned, and cut her? She didn't even have a blood fetish! She let out a shaky breath. Then again, who wouldn't lust after that man? He was the embodiment of tall, dark and handsome. Maybe a little too dark for her liking. She shook her head before raising the pads of her fingers to the cut on her neck and felt the dried up blood on her skin. She hissed, it stung like she didn't know what. If she left it and the cut on her ear alone, it would surely get infected.

She bit her lip before turning to her door, which was wide open. She blushed. I guess I forgot to close it when I was running from my sexual frustration, She thought sarcastically. Mia decided it was best to find Haiti, to help her heal her wounds. She was sure she wasn't allowed to leave her room without the Don's permission, but when has the Don's rules ever stopped her? She turned to the door, jumping when she saw Haiti already standing there. The maiden woman gave her a large smile as she walked inside the room.

Mia placed her hand on her racing heart. Jeez, one of these days they were going to give her a heart attack. "Haiti?" She asked.

"That's me." She beamed back.

"How did you get in here without me noticing?"

"Well, all the staff are trained in the art of creeping in case there is an intruder in the house." She answered, raising a large white box with a scarlet cross insignia. She told the  ex officer to sit on the bed with her, so she could see her wounds. Mia warily obliged, removing her bloody hand from her sticky neck.

"How did you know I needed help?" She asked, hissing when Haiti applied some liquid on a pad to disinfect the wound. The other woman hummed. "The boss sent me. Honestly, we thought for sure he was going to slice your throat." She cleaned the access blood from her throat and wrapped it with a white bandage.

"We?" Mia echoed.

"The staff." Haiti clarified. "We all heard the yelling. It's been a while since the Don has risen his voice in anger."

Mia pressed her lips together. She was right. Considering every thing she had said and done in his office, it was a real fucking miracle that the Don hadn't killed her right then and there. But then again... she remembered the feeling of his rock hard member against her thigh. How his intense eyes stared at her with nothing but raw lust. Her mind started to wonder on what he would've done in Adriano hadn't barged into the room. What would he—what would they have done? Lord knows she would have been willing.

"What are you thinking about?" Haiti mused, cleaning her ear. She grinned at the woman. "You're sitting there with a face so red, a tomato would be jealous." Mia shook her head and waved her hand.

"How you want to ride his dick into the sunset but you can't get past how many people he killed and how he treated you?" She said nonchalantly, like she was chatting over the breakfast she had this morning. Mia flushed harder, looking at the maid.

"I wouldn't say ride his dick into the sunset," she started, embarrassment seeping into her words. The other woman bandaged her ear before reaching into the ivory box and pulling out another outfit. It was a black turtleneck tank top, a black and short looking skater skirt, and a pair of black slip ons.

DEAD WOMAN WALKING  (THE BLOOD IN MY VEINS #1)Where stories live. Discover now