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It had been one month. One whole month since the Don had gotten captured. One whole month since he broke into her home. One whole month since the city of Brooklyn had been oddly silent. At first, Mia was paranoid. If he had shown he knew where she lived and wasn't afraid to break in, who's to say he wouldn't do it again? After all, confinement didn't stop him last time. As the days turned into weeks, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. She replaced her locks, obviously, and there had been no more break ins. Hell, even the station's crime rate had went down. Even if it was only a fraction, it seems that having the Don off the streets decreased illegal activities. Of course there was still reports of mafia activities here and there, this was New York she was talking about. But strangely, the reported mafia wasn't Italian, but Russian.

She had, however been seeing more of the agent who gave her his card. With the Russian mafia flare ups, he and his team seemed to visit the station every other week. And every time he would come around, he would give her that dull, dead fish look and a eerie smile that didn't reach his eyes. She started to question if he actually had a soul.

Mia sighed and splashed the cold water on her face. The chilled liquid ran down her cheeks, stained with her dark mascara. The young woman made sure to wash all tensing makeup off. She patted her face dry with a paper towel she kept in her purse before walking out of the women's restroom. Her eyes immediately locked on her partner and close friend, however he was swapping spit with some girl next to our booth. Mia rolled her eyes. Typical Sam. The only reason she had met up with the sex crazed blonde on the first place was because he had promised her he was going to "put her on" to get her head away from work. He claimed she was drowning in it. It wasn't her fault she took her job seriously. Anyways, the guy ended up not showing and she didn't even get anything to eat, as he promised her.

Mia internally groaned before sliding into the booth opposite of her promiscuous partner. His dirty blonde hair was tied back in a low ponytail. He was dressed in a  red polo shirt, dark blue jeans and brown shoes. She cleared her throat. He didn't even notice her. In fact, he seemed to deepen the kiss, moving his hands under the table. The read-headed woman mewled an pulled away, her face turning almost as vibrant as her hair. Sam smirked before pulling away and finally noticing her. About time, it felt as if she was watching a live softcore porno. Yuck.

"Mia, you're back." His smug smirk seemed to widen, and for a second she wanted nothing more than to punch him in his conceited face. She narrowed his eyes and gave him a fake smile. "Can I talk to you for a minute?" Same blinked at her, signifying she could continue what she was saying. She rolled her eyes before letting out a huff.


"Oh," The blonde said. She got up from the table before she could see the two make out again. She pushed open the clear door glass of the cafe and crossed her arms. It was a beautiful day outside. Pure cotton candy clouds hung in the sky, with the sun filming through small cracks in them. A slight breeze blew over Brooklyn. She should've taken a walk instead of coming here with that bastard. She glared at Sam. He looked at her with faux innocence. "Yes, oh humbled one?" He joked, raising his eyebrow.

"Sam, the only reason I agreed to come here was because you said you were going to buy me food. Your friend didn't even come!" She scoffed, shifting her weight on her hip. The blonde rolled his eyes. "It's not my fault he didn't show." Mia stared at him for a few seconds. He was a bastard when he was horny.

DEAD WOMAN WALKING  (THE BLOOD IN MY VEINS #1)Where stories live. Discover now