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THAT NIGHT, MIA LIED AWAKE IN HER BED. It seemed like she was unable to get sleep. No matter how long she was wrapped in between her thick sheets, sleep seemed to evade her. She even tried listening to whale sounds. Nothing worked. She grumbled, getting more and more annoyed as the seconds ticked on. Her mind was racing, rapidly switching between The Don, and the mafia as a whole. Especially the Don. His calculating eyes flashed in her head. What was his plan? What did he achieve by willingly getting incarcerated? She figured it had something to do with the Russians, judging by how Adriano reacted after the trial. Speaking of, the number of Homicides just this week alone from the Russian mafia had trippled since Ambrogino got sent to jail. It was like the Russians were trying to prove something.

And then there was the issue with the mafia as a whole. For some reason, the Don and his Italian armada wouldn't leave her alone. It was like they knew her occupation but didn't care. She gasped. What if her chief found out about this? Could she be sent to jail? And then out of no where Lucas showed up, witch that blank gaze he always sported. What if he found out? Mia sat up in her bed. She needed to turn her brain off. She ran her petite hand trough her dark curls. Maybe a walk would make her sleepy. It worked when she was little.

The young woman hopped up, damn near forgetting she had no pants nor underwear on. She hated sleeping with pants on, as she liked to feel free and cool when she was asleep. She flushed, cringing at how embarrassing it would be if she walked outside in the Brooklyn autumn full commando. She quickly shook her head and slid on a pair of hot pink shorts that was barley visible under the oversized black sweater she had on. She took her keys from her dresser and stepped outside. Almost immediately, the chilly air blew against her skin, reminding her of the night that the Don was arrested. She remembered how even under the gaze of almost all the units in the city, he still looked at her as if she was inferiority. She shivered, and not because of the cold.

She skipped down her the flight of stairs leading to her apartment and jumped down the final three stairs. She laughed, as it briefly reminded her of her childhood. Unfortunately , her nostalgia was cut short when she realized she wasn't wearing a bra. She cursed and clutched onto her breasts. She walked down the streets, unbothered by the air. The chill was actually quite calming, despite the risk of her catching a cold. She bummed slightly, a tune that her mother used to sing to her. When they were on speaking terms, of course.

She surveyed her surroundings, a small smile playing on her–wait. What the hell? Was that car following her? Her brown orbs locked into a sleek black car that was slowly trailing her. It's windows were tilted, but she a little voice inside her told her that the car belonged to a certain mafia. The young woman quickly clearly led her throat before walking faster, pulling her nose underneath the sweater. The heard the car rolling faster and saw the headlights create a shadow in front of her. She looked back again. The car looked way closer. She turned around, continuing to speed walk. Okay, Mia. On three, she thought.

One. She heard the gravel crunching behind her.

Two. She kicked her feet deeper inside her fuzzy slippers.

Three! Without warning, the officer started to sprint. She ran down the street with the car slow to start speeding up. The driver honked their horn, as if to tell her to stop running. She picked up speed, turning onto another street. The horn sounded again, and no matter how fast she was sprinting, it was damn near One AM in the morning. She was tired. Deciding she had enough, she turned to the face approaching car and stopped in her tracks.

DEAD WOMAN WALKING  (THE BLOOD IN MY VEINS #1)Where stories live. Discover now