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thirteen. | THE RELEASE

SHE FELT LIKE SHE WAS DYING. Everything hurt, from her bare feet that felt like needles were stabbing through them every time she applied the tiniest amount of pressure, to her head, which literally fucking throbbed every time she had a damn thought. Her throat was raw, and dry with the absence of water. She was running on saliva, but her mouth was going dry. It was only a matter of time until there was no more saliva in her mouth to gulp down. The hunger was the worst. She hadn't eaten in God knows how long and her stomach constantly rumbled. It felt like she was eating herself from the inside out. Sometimes the pain was so unbearable that it would quite literally make her loose consciousness. Couple that with the nonstop blood curdling screams that she constantly heard, she felt like she was loosing her mind.

How long would she have to endure this?

She had no more tears to cry. Once, she had started full on sobbing, but her body could only produce one tear to leave her eyes. Her tired brain was hallucinating from the lack of food and water.Her wrists and ankles were tender and bloody from trying to escape the tight ropes. Mia couldn't take anymore. She wanted out. She loved her father, but if this was how she was going to spend the rest of her life to keep him alive...

Mia coughed, feeling the familiar taste of iron fill her mouth. She groaned, leaning forward in her seat and dropping her head. Her bladder protested and she tried her best to ignore it. She should've never tried to talk to the Don that night they captured him. She should have never showed up to the trial. She should have moved once the mafia showed themselves in her home. Stupid, stupid, stupid! She thought. Now look where she was. Was anyone, was Sam even looking for her? She would've given anything to see her friend's annoying smirk or to hear of his ridiculous sex stories. She didn't even give him a proper goodbye.

In the middle of her feeling sorry for herself, loud footsteps made their way down the stairs. Mia didn't look up. She was certain her brain was fucking with her, as she heard those damn footsteps every day. Every time she looked up, ready to desperately tell the don, or whoever was coming down that she was ready to give up, she was faced with thin air. However, the footsteps didn't stop at the stairs like they usually would. They came closer and closer, stopping before her. Mia weakly looked up, only to be faced with the surprised face of Adriano.

"Holy fucking shit," he chuckled, raising his dark eyebrows. "You're still alive." Mia squinted at the man, her vision blurry and dancing.

"Adriano?" She tried to say, but it came out as an incoherent mumble. The mobster blinked before turning to his gloved hand, which held a half empty water bottle. Mia's eyes widened. She had to stay conscious. The male looked between her and the water bottle before unscrewing it. He grabbed her jaw and poured the water in her mouth. "Drink up, buttercup." He mused with a smirk. Mia greedily drank up, ignoring the drops of water that fell on her thighs. She emptied the bottle, not caring if she couldn't breathe. The made man tore the plastic away from the young woman's mouth, backing up slightly.

"Woah, don't you smell like sunshine and rainbows."

Mia took a minute to gather herself, feeling her headache minimize. She licked her dry lips before looking at the mobster again. "How l-long have I been down here?" Her voice sounded scratchy and whispery. Adriano looked up thoughtfully, as if he didn't remember when his fucking boss inserted a fucking needle in her fucking neck.

"Hm, if we took you on a Thursday," he trailed off, whispering to himself. "Four days and three nights." He said finally, a grin beaming on his face.

Only Four days and three nights?!

It normally took about three to four days for the body to officially shut down from dehydration. If Adriano hadn't come down here when he did, she would have literally been on the brink of death. Who knows what would've become of her in the next few hours?

DEAD WOMAN WALKING  (THE BLOOD IN MY VEINS #1)Where stories live. Discover now