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nineteen. | THE CONTRACT

IT SEEMED EVERYTHING AROUND her was burning. It was so hot, however, Mia didn't seem to mind much. She buried herself deeper into heat, the skin of her body flushing and oozing sweat. Her mind flooded with flashes of what happened that night, or rather, what would have happened if a certain mobster hadn't come in time. She could still feel Faldo's meaty hands wrapping around her ankle, pulling her body towards his much larger one. The fine hairs on the back of her neck bristled as goosebumps poked themself from underneath her skin. Her heart shuddered as well as she recalled the disgustingly evil look in his eyes that evening. She remembered how weak and pitiful she felt, shedding tears in front him. She never felt week. Or exposed. She always took pride in being able to defend herself.

She felt utterly pinned and exposed under his gaze, and she never wanted to feel that way with anyone again. Her thoughts didn't stop there as they wondered into dangerous territory. What if the Don had just one more henchman he had to take down? What if he couldn't reach her in time? What would Faldo have done to her?

She shook her head, nausea building in her gut and tears pricking at the back of her eyes. She didn't want to think about that.

She pulled the thick blanket around her body even tighter than it already was. Her knuckles were white as snow, hellbent on not letting go. Was this the world her father lived in? A world of murder, rape, and violence? Why would anyone willingly join the mafia? Mia shuddered against the heat of the blanket as she heard her room door opening.

"Mia? It's been two days." She heard the accented and soft voice of Haiti say. She heard footsteps push deeper into the room, just across from the foot of her bed. "Don't you think it's time to leave the bed?"

The ex–Officer didn't respond, instead pressing her lips together. Yes, it had been two days since that night, and she couldn't face the Don after what happened. He was the reason she was in that position in the first place, and while she was greatful that the Don got there in time to stop any life lasting, damaging effects Faldo could have left with her, if he had just told her his plan in the first place—if that was his plan, she would have to go through the horror and humiliation of thinking something she held dear was about to be violently misused. She knew he was the Don, but he couldn't even swallow his pride enough to apologize?

She practically felt the other woman frown. Haiti let out a deep breath before placing her slender hands on Mia's knee. "I know you don't want to hear this, but the Don is requesting you." She spoke up again. The freckles woman let out a frown of her own, glaring at the sound of his title. The maid woman sighed again upon her silence.

"So sorry about this, Mia. Go ahead."

Said woman paused, confused on what Haiti just said. She peeled her head from underneath the thick pillows and very quickly noticed two things. First, It was a beautiful morning outside. Second, two large men right at the side of her bedside. They were both mugging her like it was a pain to do. She let out a strangled gasp in surprise as she felt her heart jump. Without a second warning, the men grabbed her, pulling her out of her cocoon of blankets.

"Hey! What the hell! Let go of me!" She shrieked, only to have her hoarse screams be ignored by the large men. Mia thrashed around in their grasp, sending a pleading look to Heidi. However, the maiden girl could only give a sympathetic look back, as she turned to clean Mia's room.

Mia kicked on the men's hold, only to have them grip her limbs tighter, making her wince. "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS?!" She shrieked, her shrill voice echoing down the dark hallway. It wasn't long until they reached a familiar room. One of the men that was holding her stopped at the door, placing both of her wrists in his large fists. He lightly knocked on the door, before saying something in his language.

DEAD WOMAN WALKING  (THE BLOOD IN MY VEINS #1)Where stories live. Discover now