She Was Protecting Us?

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A/N I wasn't going to update tonight but you can thank a couple of readers for making me feel bad for leaving as i did soooo here yah go, y'all gonna have to start paying for my caffeine intake for all these updates :L But this is it until either tomorrow or Monday night so appreciate my kindness.

North's POV

I couldn't help but punch the white wall near the caravan bathroom before i slumped into the chair next to Raven who had also let his fist make friends with the wall on his side. I flexed my hand to shake off the tinge of pain going through it, i was pissed, beyond pissed and not all of it was because me and Raven had been thrown out Kota's room after we kicked up a storm at seeing the damage done to Sang Baby.Her poor body looked as though she had been tortured.

Not looked, she had been tortured.

The moment Owen and Sean got Sang Baby's tank top off all i saw was red and not just from the rage coursing through my body, i literally saw red, Sang's blood. Her back looked as though it had been torn apart by a lion, i could see the thread that had become on slightly older wounds that somehow had tried to stitch shut.

She had been tortured, stitched back together only to be tortured again.

''I will kill all these bastards!''

Raven snarled and i without second thought completely agreed with him, i was more then certain McCoy had been the cause of damage, the way he looked at Sang last night with that evil glint and smirk, he looked as though he had won some type of prize and it made me sick. Sang wasn't even the one who apparently broke rules it had been me and Si so why didn't he try and punish us as well?

It took several minutes replaying every moment involving Sang before i shot off the chair with more anger then i thought possible.

''She fucking suffered for us''

I growled out.

''What do mean?''

Raven asked causing me to turn to him ready to explain what i had realised when Kota's door was opened and Luke,Kota,Victor,Owen and Sean came out, my younger brother's looked as though someone had made them eat an entire buffet before riding a roller coaster and the two older ones showed anger, be it much much more controlled then me and Ravens but anger none the less, i was shocked that Owen ever the stoic one was even showing it willingly.

''How is she sean?''

I asked trying to sound calmer than i really was but i knew i failed when i heard my voice.

Watching my brother's all take a seat around the reasonably sized 'living area' of the caravan i waited for Sean to answer my question and after a deep sigh he finally spoke.

''Her back has a lot of damage, it looks like the wounds she received at least three or four days ago were the worst and though had been stitched up there was sign of infection starting....''

''Had been?''

The Russian beside me asked interrupting with yet another growl, he was a lot like me when we were angry it always sounded like we were wolves talking.

''The previous stitch's were basically torn off from what i suspect was from an assault via a belt''

''What makes you think it was a belt Sean?''

Luke asked his usual mischievous and excited eyes full of worry and sadness, i would happily allow him to suddenly run for a bunch of candy if it helped lighten those eyes. Considering his question i figured he hadn't fully looked over her body, he was probably just there to help in case of anything happening that needed the extra hands.

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