She's More

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A/N I hope the new chapters are to your liking i worry slightly that i might be slightly off since my long absence so i apologise if they aren't as good as before.

Axel's POV

The trailer was once again silent after Sang's departure as we all got lost in thought after everything that happened, when hearing her story i was worried about her, i felt sorry for her and knowing what happened to her i felt guilt but when she suddenly took lead,suddenly announced she was in charge i could not hide the frustration i was feeling. Sure she had suffered because of us but we couldn't trust her completely especially when she made it obvious how easily she could end this mission for us, we were putting a lot of faith in one girl and it could destroy the entire mission if we weren't careful and no doubt Owen was feeling the same. Though despite the frustration i couldn't help the slight admiration at how she made sure we told her everything, how she stood up to Owen before he could even fully tell her no.

''You think she's bipolar or something?''

I was broken from my trance at Nathan's voice as i shifted my attention to him my eyes no doubt showing i was confused at his words.

''What makes you say that Nate?''

Victor asked a laptop sitting firmly on his laptop just like Corey.

When had they gotten those out?

''Was just wondering, look at how we first met her, we thought she was wanting to have sex with us, then she was getting Raven to throw knives at her, then she's hurt and vulnerable sharing her story with hers and then Bam! she's taking charge of the conversation''

I wanted to laugh slightly at his words, i could understand why his mind went that way but from what we have learned so far i can fairly say she doesn't suffer from a bipolar disorder.

''I think it's more like she has zero social skills, it's as though she doesn't understand how her words can come across, it was our fault for automatically assuming what she was saying, also she is a circus performer asking someone to do such a thing is probably a normal everyday occurrence here and sure she had a moment of vulnerability but once she realised she had been the only one sharing she simply pushed that aside and made sure she too got answers...''

Kota's words gave me pause, i too after the misunderstanding and the slight interactions with Sang came to the conclusion she didn't understand social interactions, it made me wonder just how little she got out and about.

''Kota is right, Miss Sang is a...surprising person to say the least and from what we have seen from her has skills that could put all of us to same be it from her performances or how she handles pain on a level many could never''

I inwardly frowned at his words, they made me feel bad for the part of me that didn't fully trust her yet, she had taken a beating for us, hell she tried to hide it for us not use it to her advantage, but i couldn't let that decide my ruling on her, she could betray us at any moment.

''I don't know if we can fully trust her...''

My words echoed in the trailer for a mere second before North,Raven,Luke and Gabriel were on their feet yelling.

''What the fuck you mean we cant fucking trust trouble?! after what she fucking went through for us i would trust Trouble with fucking anything''

''Sang baby isn't going to betray us! she's a bloody open book her threats were empty, if you watched her carefully enough anyone could tell the way she tensed when she spoke them that she didn't mean them''

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