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Sofia's POV

"Nope...I don't wanna..."

"Darling please, this will take a huge weight off your shoulders"

"Yes but..."


Day 4 of knowing Patrick Stump CEO, very rich sexy man. After last night we went back to bed and I fell asleep immediately. We woke up this morning and had a lovely breakfast of different fruits. Now we're sitting at the dinning table, I'm in his lap and he's pouting at me like a little kid.

Not because of something he wants me to do for him but because of something he wants to do for me.

I know...what a disaster...what a dilemma! He wants to help me even more. He wants to pay off my student loans but not with the money he's already given me. More money... and it's making me panic!

"You're not gonna spend the money are you?" He asks with a cute smirk on his face.

"I will, I just feel guilty I guess"


"I didn't make the money myself"

"But I'm your Sugar Daddy Sofia" he winks. "Isn't that the point? To spend the money I give you?" He reasons with me, his cheeks pinking for some reason. Maybe this isn't a conversation he's used to having.

"Yes that is the point. I guess when I signed up I just never saw this really happening. So I feel weirder about it than I imagined I would"

"Think of it as a gift from me then" he suggests, his hand gliding up my naked thigh. Oh yeah I'm totally doing the romantic movie thing where the women wears the guys shirt the morning after they've 'made love'. Couldn't resist it.

While he's sitting in his boxers, his bare chest giving me a great place to rest my head. My interview is in a few hours and this is the best way for me to relax. I'm so amazed at the calming power he bestows.

"Pleaseeeee" he drags out the word, his eyes all sad and the only thing I can do to stop myself from giving in is to shove a piece of toast into his mouth.

He bites into it and I don't know how but even that is sexy. Or maybe I'm just a super horny bitch for this man? Hmmmmm. Probably true.

Once he's swallowed it, he attacks my neck with his lips...I scream the whole place down.

"Patrick!" I eventually yell breathlessly. "I gotta get ready for my interview and I'm pretty sure you're late for work"

"Mmmm Nope, I told you I'm the Boss"

"Even the Boss can get in trouble!" I tell him, glaring as I try to escape his hold.

"From who?" He asks, tightening his arms and looking all smug. Cocky motherfucker!

"Me! If you don't get your ass up I'll get myself a new Sugar Daddy. One that goes to work to make lots of money for me!" I joke and he gasps in shock.

"Darling I'm hurt but I'll do as you say if you pay off those student loans for me" he says, grinning from ear to ear.

"You're not gonna stop are you?"


"Okay then I'll think about it" I sigh dramatically and this time when I get up he lets me, only to stand and follow me anyway. I must admit, I like it a lot. He wants to me near me and I wanna be near him. Four days Sofia, you've know him four days.

"So are you feeling okay about the interview?" He asks as I pull off his shirt in the bedroom. I'll have to put yesterday's clothes back on and go home to get changed. Can't go to an interview with a Metallica shirt on. Well I could but it would be risky.

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