Just a Friend

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"baby, I bought some fruit for breakfast!", I hear the keys hit the counter and quickly wipe my tears.

baby.. please. he doesn't mean it.

I step out of my room and try my best to act like nothing is wrong, "Hey. I made you a frappe. Did you find everything you wanted?".

He gives me a confused look once he hears my quiet tone, but nods anyway. He's really never seen me upset or mad before.

I slide the glass cup over to him, along with a metal straw and start unpacking the two bags of groceries. I set the pineapple, strawberries, bacon and biscuits on the counter top, trying to hold my tears back the best I can.

Salem, how can you be mad when hes not your boyfriend. He doesn't have to be loyal to you, nobody has to be loyal to anyone.

"Did my mom call?", he ask as his arm wraps around my waist. I shake my head no. I didn't want him to think something was up, but I decided to tell him anyway.

He pushes a soft kiss under my ear, and I let out a long exhale. Because I knew we couldn't go on with this deal anymore, we just couldn't. It's selfish of us, using each other to feel good, knowing feelings would get involved. We knew we were gonna hurt the other, and it's best if I just end it here and make it clear we are just friends from here on out.

No more 3 a.m. car rides, where we park in the middle of nowhere and just sit there, soaking up each other's presence. No more staying the night or sleeping in the same bed. No hanging out every single day. No more stolen kisses behind our friends back, or leaving the club early just to have time alone. This was the worst idea we could have ever came up with. I don't want this, but it needs to be done.

"somebody under N called, she wanted you to call her back about some dinner date. She doesn't know what to wear.", Cole's body goes tense behind mine, as I let out a shaky breath.

you weren't supposed to cry you dumbass, why can't you understand that this is no feelings involved.

He turns my body around and holds my face in his hands. His skin was pale, bottom lip trembling. It did that often when he was scared oe nervous.

"Salem, she's just a friend. I promise.", now his voice was shaking. Why was he nervous? he didn't have to explain anything to me.

I move my face away from him, and continue getting breakfast ready, "We are just friends. Don't explain anything to me, she already told me you met her at the club last night. Just have fun, grab the money off the counter before you leave for buying breakfast."

His mouth forms an O when he realizes I was hurt, and that I didn't want him here anymore, at least not at the moment.

"We aren't gonna talk about it? We are just gonna pretend it didn't happen and stop talking? That's not how relationships work Salem!", he raises his voice, causing me to cringe. I hated being yelled out, that's why I avoid arguments.

I slam my hands on the counter, turning towards him. Our faces weren't far apart, and I had to take a step back because the lack of space made me nervous.

"This isn't a relationship, Cole! We were strictly fuck buddies, who got caught up in the idea of having someone who made us feel okay for once! You should've controlled your feelings the night I kissed Xepher, the deal would've never been broke. I wouldn't be standing here, hurt, if you would've just controlled your fucking emotions!"

I'm sure my neighbors could hear me through the thin walls, as I yelled back at him, the tears finally falling. 

Colby rolls his eyes, while his hands go in the air, smacking his thighs. He takes a step closer with each word, practically cornering me in the kitchen. 

"How is it my fault? We knew this was gonna happen, Salem! So what we broke the fucking deal, it was stupid in the first place. So what, our one night stand turned into more than that. Who cares if we ended up being best friends, and who cares if I caught feelings for you! Clearly it was a fucking mistake.", his chest quickly raises, the only thing that can be heard is our breathing and my half way silent sobs.

I throw my hand over my mouth to control the cries, and his face softens, "I didn't mean that, Salem. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gotten her number. I was drunk."

drunk... of course. that's everyone excuse.

I push past him, not worrying about the messy counter or burnt food on the stove, and make my wat into the bathroom. I don't want him seeing me in a panic attack or crying again.

"clearly it was a fucking mistake!"
that's all this was to him. a mistake.
I should've stayed home like I planned that night.

The front door slams, making everything shake and I squeeze my eyes tightly.

he left, it's over.


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