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Amanda's POV

~Day of Graduation~

After Liz called me and I told her to wear the blue dress, my hair stylist continued to style my hair. I had a high top ponytail and half of my hair was down. The color they dyed my hair in was perfectly dark and matching with the dress.

,,Thank you." I said and paid. Then I got out and called my mom. She was buying me something to eat and she said I should call her once I'm done.

She was on her way back so I just waited a few minutes in front of the shop. Suddenly Izzy walked passed me. It seemed that she didn't notice me. She stared on her phone an she was wearing headphones. Always caught in her own world~

My mother rounded the corner and waved at me and I walked towards her. ,,Here I got you something." She handed me the bag and there were donuts and a Starbucks coffee in it. "And you couldn't have waited till I was finished and we could have go together?" I said ironically. ,,No I haven't. We need to drive home and then to the graduation, so no time for going there and eating peacefully." She mocked and opened the car door.

I got into the car and my mom started the engine. We drove home and I ate my donuts on the way.
Luckily I didn't spill something on my dress.
,,Okay let's head inside, get your stuff and then we have to go again." My mother said while stepping out of the car, followed by me.

We got into our house and I placed down my still hot coffee and tossed away the rubbish. ,,Can you get me one of those hair clips?" My mother shouted from her bedroom. I went into the bathroom and got some for her. Then I went to her room. She was sitting on a smaller chair in front of a big desk with a mirror and pretty much everything a model needs for makeup. Yeah right. I didn't tell. My mother is one of the most famous models in Florida. She always gets ask if she wants to do a photoshoot or promote some random brands. Of course she says yes to mostly all of them.

Sometimes I would go with them. A great way to escape school. She shows me how to pose and catch the viewers attention with various expressions. I don't know what's so special about it. I don't need to know.

,,Here." I handed her the clips and she finished braiding her hair back into a tight bun. ,,So. How do I look?" She turned and faced me. ,,Don't steal my change of being the most beautiful girl there." I joked and put some of my hair behind my ear.
,,Are you ready sweetie?" ,,Almost. I just need to get my shoes and then my new necklace."


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