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3rd person

Liz and Amanda went to Liz's room, flopping onto her bed. ,,Glad to be back." Amanda laughed at how they just saw each other an hour ago. ,,Yeah. So whatcha wanna talk about?" Liz asked sitting up and with her back against the wall.

„Right. So after you were gone my dad, my mother and I talked about a thing." ,,Tell me!" ,,Yeah calm down." ,,I am calm." Liz half-pouted and crosses her arms in front of her chest for brief seconds after looking at Amanda again. She couldn't wait to hear what Amanda had to tell her.

„My mother handed me an envelope and it was something really special." „Just say it god damn!" „It was my conformation to visit and study at Jacksonville University!" Amanda cheered and Liz hugged her. „Oh my god congratulations! I'm so happy for you!" They parted and Amanda smiled. „Thank you..but-." Amanda started, cutting herself off with a fake cough. „Uhm..my mother said you had some news too." She changed the topic, hoping that Liz didn't notice her little ‚but'. „I have yes! But first you tell me why you just said ‚but'! There can't be something bad about it." „There is..it's not worth mentioning now." Amanda tried to push the fact away that she had to move. How could she explain it to Liz?

„Tell me." Liz laid one hand on Amanda's tight and looked her in the eyes. „I'm here for you." And so Amanda took a deep breath, thinking about how she could possibly say it. „Well..The university isn't that near. It's a couple of miles away.." „So?" „Liz you need to understand..I..I would have to move to study there.." Liz fell silent. She didn't expect that, even to she knew it was far away, she didn't thought about Amanda moving there.

„And why was that not worth mentioning in your eyes?" Liz asked, voice deeper and more sad than before. Her expression wasn't the smile she had a few seconds ago. It was emotionless, even cold.
Liz's hand wasn't on Amanda anymore but in her own lap.

„Because I..didn't know how to say it. I didn't want to talk about that." „So you would have just left me?!" „No! I.." „Liar! You would have just left! I mean if it wasn't worth mentioning, you wouldn't even have told me the next days right?" Amanda looked away. „I'm not sure. I would have told you..one day.." „One day?!" „Yeah..before I would go or so." „Unbelievable." Liz got up from her bed, walking over to her window and looking outside.

„You..Amanda I want you to go.." Liz said as her heart broke. She was talking against her heart. „Liz I-„ „GO!" liz shouted, scaring Amanda which quickly grabbed her phone which was laid out on the bed and walked out of the room. She didn't even said goodbye to Liz's mother. She just left. As she was planning to.

Liz stepped away from the window the moment her eyes landed on Amanda. She looked at Liz with tears in her eyes but Liz just shrugged it off and fell onto her bed. She took the pillow and screamed into it as loud as she could. She didn't want to miss Amanda when she would go. She wanted Amanda to stay and be at her side. It's not that she blamed her, but she was sad, because she knew she wouldn't see Amanda for a long time now. Liz was angry at herself for freaking out that much earlier. She wanted to apologize.

Little did she knew that this conversation was the last one for a long time and there wasn't a chance to apologize anymore.


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