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Nuu this is the last and final chapter of this Story..

3rd person

„Yes!" Liz smiled bright and so did Amanda. „I'm so happy.." „So am I.." They kissed again. All their memories together, their feelings, hope, sadness, happiness, everything flew into the kiss, making it the most special kiss they shared together.


So the years passed by. Amanda and Liz build up a bond that was stronger than anything. Both created new memories together which they won't forget that easy anymore. No matter what happened, if they had a fight or even just a little argument, they kept loving each other and believed in their relationship. There was not one problem that couldn't be clarified between them. Promises that were never broken, secrets that were shared and love that longed for the eternity.


„Babe!" Amanda shouted through the house, catching the attention of her beautiful girlfriend. Liz came down the stairs in a stunning summer dress, her hair up and make up done as if she was professional in it. „Wow.." Amanda was lost. She could not find any words that could describe what graceful angel was standing in front of her. Liz blushed, her hand placed on the stair railing.

Amanda kneeled down and held up a hand.
Liz seized hers with her own hand after she passed the last step. She stopped and looked at Amanda. „You look beautiful Baby.." Liz said quietly. Amanda looked up to meet Liz' shining blue-grayish eyes with her own ocean blue ones. She smiled and a light peach tone painted her cheeks.

Liz pulled Amanda up and into a affectionate kiss.
„No need to be such a gentleman." Liz giggled. A soft tone. „Are you kidding me?!" Amanda exclaimed, shocked about that statement. „It's our honeymoon! Of course I have to be a gentleman for you!" Liz rolled her eyes, but could not help the soft laugh that escaped her lips. „Okay fine." She said. Amanda took Liz' other hand. „So my lady..where do you want to go first? There's a lot to explore.." Liz thought about it for a second but her choice was clear from the very beginning. „The beach. I want to go for a swim in the Maledives." she smirked, knowing fully that Amanda wanted to explore the island rather then go swimming. But as the kind and sweet wife Amanda is, she agreed to it and they both went down to the beach.
Diving into the clear water of the wide ocean.

~ They may have lost each other once but love brought them back together. ~


Ahh..it's over..

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