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3rd person

Somewhere around 2 am, Liz woke up because of Negan walking around and being noisy. She moved her head, turning to look down at Amanda peacefully sleeping in her lap. Her eyes closed and her breath steady. Cute. Liz thought and scanned over Amanda's body. She was curled up in a ball only her head was on Liz's lap, her hair messy and single strands over her face.

Liz's eyes went up to Amanda's face over her lips, stopping there and thinking about them. How it would feel to kiss them. She quickly pushed the thought aside and concentrated on her and the pain in her neck and her headache. She needed to get up and into a real bed. So did Amanda. I bet she's uncomfortable..

Liz carefully moved Amanda's head off her lap and put a pillow under her after she moved to the side a bit. She decides to quietly take Amanda into her bed. Liz prepared everything and picked up Amanda, laying her arms around Liz's neck and carrying her to her bedroom. She opened the door with one foot and laid Amanda down, covering her with her blanket and opened the window a bit, just how Amanda liked it.

Then she plugged in Amanda's phone and left the room, looking back at Amanda one last time before turning off the light and closing the door. She sighed. ,,I wish I could have kissed those lips." Liz whispered to herself while walking to the guest room or more like her room. She spent so many nights there, the room practically belonged to her She even had some clothes in the dresser.

Liz got in there, closing the door and grabbing some clothes to change and finally get into the bed. She switched off the lights and laid down, checking her phone for any messages. There were only some snaps from her friends or insta dms. She had started cosplay over a month or so ago and already got some fans. She made some new friends over insta and texts with some of them.

After a few minutes passed, she closed all apps, locked it for the night as always and plugged it in to charge. She turned and covered herself in the blanket. It smelled like Amanda. Once she turned around and faced the window, she was done. Her eyes immediately shut and she fell asleep, dreaming of puppies and Amanda.

She was so deep in her dream, that she didn't even noticed how Amanda got into the room and laid down next to Liz. She had a bad dream and needed the company of her best friend. That's one thing Liz only allows Amanda to do. No one else could ever just cuddle with her since she is afraid of being touched. Her past just wasn't..well..good.


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