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Liz's POV

I got to work after I talked with Josh. Yeah I was still slightly shocked how people treated her in the time we haven't seen each other.
I pushed open the door and stepped inside, walking past a few people which were already served. Izzy is such a good coworker. If I haven't had her...

I got behind the counter and just in time, Izzy came out of the storage room. „Hey liz!" She greeted, waving at me and placing down the melon she just got. „Morning Izzy! Sorry for running late, but my car stopped working." Izzy just smiled at me. „It's fine! Don't worry about it. It's just good that you're here now." I nodded and got into my work outfit.
Which was practically just my normal clothes with an apron.

But anyways, just as I got ready and Izzy got back from serving a customer, the one I was waiting for stepped into the store. Josh at her side. I smiled in her direction as I saw her. Amanda and Josh approached the counter. „Hey liz!" Josh greeted at which Amanda looked at him. „You know her name ?" „We met this Morning." He replied. „Well anyways hi Liz. Glad to see you well again." Amanda said with her soft voice. It didn't change over the years. Well okay maybe just slightly. I smiled at her. „Thanks. Now can I get you two a smoothie?" I asked and both looked at each other. Amanda nodded and so did Josh. „The same as yesterday." They almost said in unison. I smiled. „Great. Sit down and I'll bring you two the smoothies."

And so they went to a table and sat down, talking about something. I prepared the smoothies and brought them to their table. I placed them down and looked at Amanda. „Hey liz.." „Yes?" I replied. „I don't know why and that sounds creepy but..I feel like I know you from somewhere." I smiled. Should I tell her? No it's too early. I don't want to pressure her.

„Well it could be that we saw each other on the street.." I said and luckily Amanda didn't notice my change in expression. „Well true..could be. Anyways thank you!" She grabbed the glass and took a sip. „You need to teach me how to make some!" She laughed. „Sorry but that's a secret I never tell." I winked and walked away, back behind the counter to Izzy.

„Wow you two are talking way more." She said. It kinda sounded like she would be impressed by that. I sighed and replied. „She still don't know who I really am." „You could have told her. She just said that she thinks that you two have seen each other once." The melon on the counter caught my attention and I stared at it while I answered Izzy. „I know but it is too early. She just came back and I don't want to push her that much. I'm taking this slow. She doesn't have to know yet."
„Who doesn't have to know what?" And if she knew it would be about her, Amanda approached the counter and looked at me with a questioning look.


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