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3rd person

On the next day Liz woke up with Amanda in her arms. She was completely confused how she got there. Liz tilted her head to the side, meeting Amanda's dark-blue eyes. She looked up at Liz and smiled innocently. „Uhm..morning." She said pushing a bit away from Liz. „Good Morning I guess." Liz replied, still a bit confused. "Sorry..I just had a bad dream last night." Amanda explained and sat up and stretched, closing her eyes while doing it. "Oh don't worry. I mean I promised you can come into my bed when you had one so it's fine." Liz said and sat up too. She began sneaking herself behind Amanda which didn't pay attention and yawned out of tiredness.

Liz then started to tickle Amanda. That went on for about six minutes and after that both Amanda and Liz were panting. Liz was on top of Amanda, straddling her hips. ,,God Liz." Amanda said out of breath. Liz got off from Amanda and stood up helping Amanda to get up too.

,,Ugh..I hate when you do that." Amanda said rolling her eyes playfully. ,,I love it." Liz giggled and sat down on the bed, followed soon by Amanda who let herself fall back down and on the pillow. ,,Whatever..I'm hungry." ,,Tell me about it!" Liz stood up walking over to Amanda's closet, picking out a gray hoodie and black shorts for her and a dark blue nasa hoodie for Amanda. She tossed it over and Amanda caught it with ease.

,,Good catch!" ,,Hehe..Thanks." Amanda and Liz changed and Liz went to the door. ,,You making breakfast?" Amanda asked. ,,Help me." Liz replied knowing that if Amanda says no she just has to beg and Amanda would instantly do it. ,,But-" ,,Pleaseee..." Liz made puppy dog eyes. ,,Liz no..please not the eyes! You know I can't say no if you do them!" Amanda tried to look away. Liz still continued making those eyes which brought Amanda heart to melt. 

,,Ugh..Fine okay." Amanda said as she got up. She, together with Liz, walked to the kitchen and they grabbed everything they needed. Liz decided they would make pancakes. Sad, that hadn't had milk at home and they had to improvise. They used caramel coffee cream (livestream reference) instead. They also forgot to rebuy the pancake mix so they needed to use a normal recipe, but for their luck everything went fine and no one died.

They ate their new creation and drank some coffee, brewed by Amanda's Mother.
She most definitely made the best coffee in the entire household. After they finished, Liz and Amanda cleaned up and sat down on the couch in the living room. The turned on the tv for background music and talked over a few things. Especially over their future.

The day passed by and the whole conversation came to an end. Liz had to go home again. Amanda allowed Liz to keep the clothes she had from her. Liz would have kept them anyways with or without Amanda's permission.

So they said good bye and Liz headed home. She couldn't stop but think about Amanda and how beautiful she was when she was asleep in her arms the night before. And how Amanda just laid comfortable next to her in bed, smiling up at her. That was one thing Liz wanted to keep.
But fate had other plans for them.


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