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3rd person

Amanda looked at Liz. „Oh we were just talking about a friend of us." „Can I ask what this is about?" Liz looked at Izzy. She didn't know what to say to get out of that situation. „It's about her birthday." Liz thanked Izzy inside her inwardly and smiled. „Yeah it's a surprise for her and she doesn't have to know about it." „Oh okay. A secret birthday surprise. I understand. Can I help somehow?" Amanda asked. Always the polite and helpful. „No it's fine thank you." Liz answered.

„Well anyways I wanted to ask you if you want to drink a smoothie with us?" Liz and Izzy weren't allowed to just go and drink a smoothie with their friends. So Liz had to da no but Amanda was quicker. „I don't accept a no and I will pay!" Liz sighed and looked at Izzy. „Well it's not forbidden when your friends pay. „Wait it's forbidden?" „Yeah usually when you just go and drink smoothies without paying." Izzy answered and then walked past them to serve another customer.

„Well I have break in a few hours. You two can come back later and then we can drink a smoothie." Amanda smiled and waved Josh to her. „We're looking forward to it." Amanda said and explained everything to Josh before they left the shop after paying.
Liz continued to work and served the customers until she had the break.

Amanda's pov

I couldn't get rid of the feeling that I knew Liz from somewhere. Even yesterday..it was strange when I saw her. Her coworker..I think Izzy was her name, asked me if I know her but I really couldn't remember anything. I got to know so many people, it's hard to keep track. But I knew this name and those chrystal blue eyes from somewhere. That's why I asked her to drink a smoothie with us. I wanted to get to know her. Maybe this way my memories come back.

As Josh and I were talking on the drive to the beach to spend the time there until we met Liz again. He told me about the car accident Liz had in the early morning. Can't believe Liz thought that Josh was my boyfriend. But I can't blame her. How could she? We just met and she saw us kissing so she had all rights to think that.

As we got to the beach I remembered a few of the places there. For example the beach volleyball field. I played there often with some of my friends when I still lived here. It was a good time.
But then suddenly I remembered something else.. it was a shape.. kids..playing in the field.. my head started to hurt and I got something like a flashback. Not again.


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