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3rd Person

Liz went down with her mother to eat dinner. She didn't really eat tho. She had to think about Amanda and the fight the whole time. She felt terrible.
Liz pushed her food around with her fork, only taking small servings of her food once in a while. Her mother was concerned.

„Liz Sweetie. What's wrong with you?" She asked calmly, putting her fork to the side to give her daughter all the attention. Liz didn't look up. She rather stared down on her plate still full with half of her food. She was definitely not eating anymore.

„Nothing." Liz sighed and looked to the side out of the window where the sun slowly hit the end of the horizon. Golden hour and Liz's true self couldn't be seen. She hid it. She hid her emotions and feelings so how could you see yourself in your true colors?

„There is something. Tell me. Is it because of Amanda?" Liz nodded slightly, almost unnoticeable. „What happened?" „Ugh...I..." Liz really wanted to talk but not now. Not with her mother. Not about Amanda. „You don't need to talk about it if you don't want to." Her mother assured her and patted her shoulder.
Liz shook her head. „I really don't want to at the moment." She said quietly, still looking outside.

„Are you eating now or do you want to go to your room?" Liz didn't say a word. She just took her plate and brought it into the kitchen. Her mother knew she had to give Liz time whenever she was sad.

Liz went up into her room after stopping at the bathroom to grab some new tissues. She locked her door and fell face first onto her bed. She didn't bother to lay down correctly and comfortable she just smashed herself into bed.
She didn't care.

Liz looked up and took her phone. The bright screen showing a picture of Amanda and Liz together. They took it last month at a party of their friend.

We look so happy. Liz thought and unlocked her phone, the apps popping up, making the screen more colorful. She opened Instagram, hoping to get distracted by it. She scrolled through her feed, liking a few posts and sometimes commenting. Then she came across the new picture from Amanda, posted around an hour ago. She ignored it and scrolled further down. Liz didn't want to bother Amanda anymore today.

After nearly three hours on Instagram and another on TikTok she shut down her phone and got up. Liz changed into her pj's and made herself ready for the night. She was tired and it felt like her whole energy left her body. The only thing that she could think of was sleep at that point.

Her phone was placed on her nightstand, plugged in and charging and she herself was under the cover. The light was switched off and the whole room was dark. She stared into the darkness for a couple of seconds and then drifted off to sleep.


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