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I have no idea how a graduation works tbh <~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>

3rd person
Day of Graduation

The ceremony was about to happen and every class got in formation. They had a planned choreography to which they would go up on stage. The stood in line. One after another. Amanda and Liz were both the first ones, holding hands and smiling as they walked up.
They all had their places to stand and wait till everyone was one stage.

After that they bowed and walked down to their chairs. The director came up and held a quick speech. After that students in pairs were called up on stage and were handed over the certificate and their testimony. Amanda and Liz were called up together and both got their testimony. The piece of paper that finally freed them. The director said something to them, they shook hands and then they walked down and sat on the chairs again, waiting for everyone else.

The whole thing happened to last for two hours and a lot of people cried. After everything was done, they al headed to the location were the real party happened. The last day officially together.

Liz and Amanda got into the car and drove to the big house of one of their friends. Izzy. She was popular for her party's. Everyone wanted to je invited from her. It was an honor for most of the people.

Many cars parked in from of the house and a lot of students went inside. Liz and Amanda got out of the car and followed their fellow classmates into the house. It reeked of Vodka and other alcoholic drinks. Some of the students were already a bit tipsy. There were some couples kissing in the floor.
Both of the girls walked past them and into the main area. Music played and people danced or drank. Typical college party.

„I'm gonna get us some drinks. You want some?" Amanda asked. „Sure thank you. Bloody Mary?" „I'll see if Izzy made some." Liz nodded and Amanda pushed through the people to get the drinks. Liz waited patiently for Amanda to come back. A guy came around the corner and bumped into Liz.

„Sorry. I should have payed more attention to where I was going." He apologized and looked around, obviously searching for someone.
„No it's fine. I didn't pay attention either. Don't worry." Liz assured him. „Uhm are you looking for someone." She asked and he looked at her again. „Actually yes. I'm looking for a girl named Amanda. I was hoping to find her here." He said and Liz's eyes widened. What does he want from Amanda? Liz. thought.
She was about to answer when Amanda came back, Bloody Mary's in both of her hands.

She stopped just two meters away when she saw him. „Oh there you Are!" He cheered and walked towards Amanda, arms open, ready to hug Amanda. But she stepped back, almost bumping into another student and spilling the drinks on her dress and the floor.

„Jake?" She said shivering. She definitely didn't expect him on the party. Jake just smiled, laying his arms around her and pulling her into a hug. Both Liz and Amanda were shocked. Liz by the sudden act and Amanda because she hated when Jake hugged her.


Next chapter today at 4pm <3

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