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3rd person

Liz and Amanda got to meet Jake the day after the graduation and the incident. Amanda was a bit nervous, but glad that Liz came with her. They met up in a small cafe near Liz's house. Jake was clingy and wanted to hug Amanda. He also wanted to sit next to her and hold her hand the whole time. Luckily Liz claimed the seat next to Amanda.

They held small talk for a little while and then Liz nudged Amanda's hand under the table, signaling that she should finally tell him. Amanda took a deep breath, taking the last sip of her coffee and then placing it on the table with a rather small sigh. Jake looked at Amanda and she at him. Looking in his eyes was pain for Amanda and even for Liz.

„Jake.." She started, fidgeting with her hands. „The kiss yesterday..I..I don't like you like that. You messed up a lot Jake." Her eyes wandered down on the table, down to her cup. She couldn't look him in the eyes the whole time. It was simply unbearable. Liz looked on her watch, counting the seconds until this was over. Luckily for her, it was down pretty quick. Jake told Amanda about his feelings. He had them a long time, since Highschool, and she told him the way she felt about all of that.

„Amanda I really like you and I hate that you don't feel the same way, but..I respect that." He said and suddenly stood up, placing money on the table and leaving the cafe. Amanda and Liz were surprised by the sudden action but didn't bother at all. They looked at each other and then broke out in laughter.

They talked about it a bit more and then left the cafe after paying. They drove home and to Liz's house. „Can we watch a movie?" Amanda asked while smashing herself on the couch, looking at Liz. The blonde girl got into the kitchen, shouting from there while grabbing some snacks and something to drink for both of them. „Sure. Whatever you wanna do." Liz got back and sat down next to Amanda, placing the snacks and drinks on the table.

She looks at Amanda and she just smiles at her. Liz knew that smile to good. „Amanda no.." She pathetically tried to convince Amanda not to watch Castlevania again. „Amanda yes!" She leaned forward to grab the tv remote and turned on Netflix. Liz tried to snatch it out of Amanda's hands but failed, since Amanda had her height advantage, she easily held up the remote over her head and outplayed Liz. „Ha you little shorty." She snickered and turned on Castlevania for the millionth time. „I'm not short! I'm average!" Liz pouted and sat down again. „Sure."

The show started and Amanda got into a much better mood. First because she could tease Liz and second because, watching shows or movies together with Liz, her best friend made Amanda happy. The day passed by and eventually Amanda unintentionally fell asleep on Liz's lap. Liz just let Amanda sleep and fell asleep some minutes later.


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