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Okay y'all waited for this...it's FLUFF TIME!!!
That's why I made this chapter way longer so y'all get your fluff as I promised millions of chapter ago.

Amanda's pov

Me and Josh drove to the shop, hoping to find Izzy. As soon as we arrived, I saw the big window which the car crashed into. Sure it was fixed by now, but I still had this picture in my mind. Just two days after Liz got into the hospital, me and Josh came here and asked about the accident. Izzy answered us and I need to say, Liz has really nice friends. I didn't only got to talk to Izzy but also to Jewels. Both of the girls were really kind and super helpful. I wished I could have been such a good friend.
I still can!

Josh and I stepped out of the car, I put on my jacket because it was raining like hell and I wasn't quite in the mood to get wet. We made our way inside, pushing through the big glass door and hearing the bell ring. Izzy came out from the counter and directly to us. ,,Amanda, Josh! Glad to see you! I just got the news that Liz is out of the hospital!" She smiled. ,,Yes she is." I said. ,,Can you tell us where she lives? I need to talk to her." I continued. I was really impatient and needed to see her. ,,You sure you don't want to give her some time? I mean she just got dismissed and is probably sleeping." I shook my head. ,,Izzy..it's really important."

Josh laid a hand on my shoulder, looking at Izzy with a smile. ,,You know that Amanda and Liz are best friends, right?" Izzy froze and looked down. ,,Yeah. Liz told me." She admitted and turned around. Izzy walked to the counter and grabbed a pen and a small piece of paper. ,,Please don't pressure her okay?" ,,I promise." I said while Izzy wrote down Liz's address.

,,Thank you so much Izzy!" I took the paper which she handed me. ,,And tell her that I'm worrying about her please." She said. I nodded and then Josh and I left the shop. Happy that I got Liz's address I read it. I got a small flashback as I did. I knew how her house looked like again. And it wasn't even that far from my parents old house. We often just went out and got to the other ones house in the middle of the night.

Josh parked and I almost jumped out of the car. I was scared to just go to Liz's house and talk to her, but I was also excited to see her again. Alive and in a better condition. We walked up to her porch and rang the bell. A silent sound could be heard from the inside and soon a woman opened the door.
She looked almost like Liz but older and with brown hair.

I held out my hand. "Hey..Uhm I'm-" And then I got interrupted and pulled into a hug. "Amanda! Glad to see you after that long time again." So she knows me..
I smiled, hugging her back. "Yeah it was a long time. Uhm..is Liz home?" Was the next thing I asked after parting. "Yes she's in her room. I think she's sleeping but go up yourself." The woman smiled. I stepped inside followed by Josh, who also got a big hug and a warm welcome from Liz's mother. Josh mentioned up the stairs and I walked up, leaving him with Liz's mother.

I knocked on the door. It still had Liz's name on it. Good old times.
A soft and quite voice was heard. Liz's voice. "Come in." She said and I did as told. I turned the knob and pushed open the white door into her room. It wasn't as I remembered. Of course not. It way more matching with her style. Black and white with a few accents of red. I stepped inside, closing the door again and looking around. I felt Liz's eyes on me. "I changed a bit in here." She giggled. A soft and calming sound.

"I see." Then I looked at her. She was sitting and looking at me with her sky blue eyes. The eyes I missed so much. A smile creeped onto my face. "Why are you here?" She asked watching every move I made. I approached her bed and slowly sat down next to her. "I was in the hospital today and as I walked into the room you weren't there anymore. Later there was a doctor and he told us you got dismissed. I just want to look after you." I wanted to take her hand, but I stoped myself from doing so. I didn't know if she was comfortable with that. But as I soon noticed she took mine and caressed over the backside of it with her thumb.

I smiled softly and looked deep into her eyes. ,,I'm sorry that this happened to you.",,Shh..Amanda it's okay. Accidents happen." ,,I know but it's still shitty.." I didn't really know what to say. It really did hurt to see Liz like that. ,,I'm just happy you are better now." She lost a quick laugh. ,,If it's better to not walk anymore..yeah I guess." ,,Wait..no Liz..oh my god sorry.." ,,Amanda I told you it's okay." Liz looked down. ,,So you can't walk anymore..? Like never?" ,,The Doctor said it needs time. But for now I have this wheel chair."

Liz mentioned to a corner which a black wheelchair. I looked back at Liz and held her chin up. ,,You will be able to walk again. And if it will take a few months even years..I'll be there and help you with that." I said with a soft voice and a smile. She smiled back at me and our eyes locked. For a second there was just us lost in our eyes. Nothing else mattered until she looked away blushing. She hid her face which looked really cute. ,,You don't even know me for that long and want to help me and care for me." ,,What are you talking about? We're best friends." I said, convinced that everyone told me the truth about Liz's and my relationship.

Her expression gave away that she was clearly confused about my statement. ,,You remember?" She asked and tilted her head. I just nodded and wiped away that one single tear that rolled over her cheek. Liz leaned into the touch of my palm against her cheek and I let her, enjoying it myself.


Next chapter is also fluff okay?! Good! Idk when it will come out.

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