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Ya bitch is back. Well it was only a few hours..but still! Here's the next chapter.
Also I wrote this in a car lmao

Amanda's pov

My mom and I were walking through the hospital. White walls. I couldn't quite reach the pawl from the door. I was still young. We stepped through the door. A shine as if we just entered a portal to heaven. The door fell close. I jumped at the sound which rang through the entirety of the small room. Then there was this girl again. Her blonde hair spread on the pillow and her body lifeless on the bed. Only her eyes were open. A sky blue with a mix of grey. As I got closer to her bed I saw that her breast was heaving in a steady pace.
I looked at her. Our eyes met. I felt a smile creeping on my face and a warm liquid running down my cheeks. The girl smiled back at me held out her hand for me to take it. I kneeled down in front of the bed and took it. My thumb caressed over the backside.
I was unable to speak and just looked at the file. My mother at my side. Her hand was placed on my shoulder and stroked over it to keep me calm and comfort me.
Then she said a name. That name.

Flashback end

Again. Liz's name. There is definitely something I forgot. I just need to remember. My mom couldn't help me anymore with that. The only one that could was Josh, but he wasn't willing to tell me. I asked him about all of that a ton of times.
He just never answered me the way I wanted him to.

Anyways. I spend the next couple of hours on Liz's side, never leaving her and holding her hand the whole time. I instinctively did it. I knew she would feel safer when I did it. Josh left at some point because he would work the next day. I stayed with her. Even throughout the night. I just fell asleep with my head on the bed.

I woke up in the middle of the night from someone caressing over my head. I looked up, yawing and rubbing my eyes. Then I looked into the prettiest eyes I ever saw. Liz's eyes. The moon and her tears were giving a shine to them. I immediately smiled. My heart beat got faster and I was immensely happy to see her awake.

The hand that was fondling my head soon was placed into mine again. I put it to my cheeks, feeling the softness of her palm. She looked at me with a tired and clearly weak expression but there was a little smile hidden behind.

Her mouth opened but closed soon enough again. Luckily I got myself some water earlier so I took the glass and held it to her mouth. She nodded and took a small sip. I placed it down again and we looked at each other. Another minute of silence before she began to speak. Her voice was deep, broken and raspy. "Amanda.." She whispered. "Shh..I'm here Liz..and I'll never leave again.."

Again? Why did I say that?
I just instinctively said that. But it gave away a better reaction than I thought. Liz smiled. "Please never..it was unbearable..." She said and looked up to the ceiling. "What do you mean?" I asked unsure. "I'll tell you..once I'm out here..or at least..when I'm feeling better.." She answered and closed her eyes again. The hand that was on my cheek a few seconds ago found its place in my palm again and I just looked at Liz. Her breast was lifting itself up in a normal and calm pace.

I was happy.
She was awake. She was fine. She was safe.
And she would tell me what happened..


Soo..yeah okay maybe fluff is in the next..
But I said I would be publishing a new chapter today..

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