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I just really love that pic. And Yeah..I know I should have uploaded sooner..but like sleep is better.

3rd Person

As Amanda and Josh got home, they talked about Liz.  Amanda wanted to know more and she thought that Josh could help her. „You talked with her this morning!" She said while walking behind him and into the kitchen. „Yes, I did. But Amanda, we didn't talk about this person." Josh said and took out some tea bags. He mentioned them to Amanda who nodded in response.

„I really wanna know. I mean she looked like it would be painful for her to talk about this person." Amanda leaned against the counter and looked at Josh. „If I knew something I would tell you." He said and got out some cups.

After the two of them got their tea ready and sat down. Josh turned on the tv. The news played and Amanda's attention was completely at the tv. She saw someone and the name of someone fell. It was Liz. There was a car accident. A reckless driver looked at his phone and crashed into the shop window. Liz was turned around so she didn't saw the car. It hit her and she lost a lot of blood.

„Josh we need to go to the hospital!" Amanda almost screamed. She got up as quick as possible, pulling Josh up with her. They put on their jackets and head out to the car. Amanda had a panic attack and couldn't stop thinking about Liz.

Amanda's pov

I ran into the hospital just as we arrived. The first thing I did was asking for the room number of Liz's room. Luckily the woman believed my lie that I was her best friend.
I took the elevator to the 3rd floor and stepped out, walking over the cold grey floor. The walls were plain white with a green stripe. I hated hospitals. My worst nightmare. I stopped walking as I saw room number 345. The door, just as plain as the walls and not inviting at all. I placed my hand on the pawl and hesitated for a second. I was scared. I didn't know her that well, but I just had the urge to see her and look after her. After the flashback my mind couldn't stop thinking about her. The soft touch..

Josh walked up behind me, gently touching my shoulder and encouraging me to go on. I nodded and took a deep breath before I pushed open the door.
The first steps into the room weren't as hard, but just as I saw how Liz laid there, my heart started to beat faster and hurt.
I got close to her bed and looked at her as I called her name.



Ahahahaha cliffhanger!
I love them!
I have plenty of time on the weekend so I hopefully upload then.

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