Chapter 31 - Men and their guns

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What I said, I didn't mean. It was a mistake and for days I asked for her forgiveness but she just kept ignoring me. It really got under her skin from the words I used. I was harsh about what had happened and that was probably why she was so mad.

"She can't stay mad at you forever" Jesse says as we make our way back from the Milkshake shop heading towards the car.

"Yeah, she can" I had only been going out with Katie since a week or so before the summer and I had grown to know her and love her a lot. She was so perfect in my eyes and this was the first full blown argument that I had had with her.

"Well at least she speaks to you, Becca's carrying my baby and she won't even look at me"

"We should sort this out, go on a proper date or something?" I suggest.

"Could do, I still have this shiner on my eye though"

"Its gone down a lot from the other day, you'll be fine if we go on the weekend"

"I guess"

We get into the car that smells of strong vanilla due to the air freshener that I put in the day before. As I drive to my house I always end up passing Katie's house. This time she was standing outside with Becca and Scarlet. She knew it was me going past and glared at the truck. I stopped at the end of the road.

"We should say something to them" I turn to Jesse for advice.

"Really? Now? Is that the best idea?" He sounded unsure and nervous.

"When else would we be able to do it?"

He shrugs his shoulders and I take that for a 'yeah, just do whatever' shoulder shrug. I turn the car around and head towards Katie's house and park opposite. The girls stare at me and Jesse as we approach the house.

"What do these dickheads want?" Scarlet whispers to them, still loud enough for me to hear.

"To apologise" I say holding up my hands for peace.

Jesse walks out from around the car and follows me. I walk towards Katie and look at her.

"Please, please please can you talk to me?" I beg, I try to hold her hands but she pulls away. She just stares at me and says nothing.

"Look, what I said I didn't mean. I just wasn't ready and the current situation scared me out of it. I really do love you. I hate what I said and I didn't mean any of it." I look at her with puppy eyes and wait for a response.

She looks at me and then reaches out and I hug her. It had only been a few days but I missed holding her and letting her rest her head on my chest. I kissed her and said sorry another couple of times.

"This is making me sick" Scarlet said leaning on her car.

Jesse waits for me to finish. He just sits in the background and doesn't say a word to Becca. She stands there, she hadn't gotten a bump yet. She was still attractive as usual and Jesse seemed to be choking on the idea of talking to her.

"I...I...I'm so sorry Becca" he says. He was holding back his tears.

She studies his bruised eye and walks over and strokes it.

"Are you okay? What happened?" She looked worried about him

"It doesn't matter at the moment, what matters is if you forgive me. I will give you everything you need for that kid. I know I'm young and I'm not rich but I will try my best for you and that kid" he pleads

I stand holding Katie and watch them speak. Scarlet is still leaning on the car and rolling her eyes.

Becca looks at Jesse in the eyes and he approaches her. She grabs him and hugs him. It looked like a happier ending to the day than I'd expected.

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