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the screams began to fade and the crowd began to exit the venue, the show had ended about 35 minutes ago. kayley waited for brandon to text her. she locked and unlocked her phone repeatedly in anticipation. "he hasn't texted yet riley" kayley said. "relax kay. he's probably celebrating and cooling off with the boys" riley replied. just then her phone buzzed.

sorry i didn't text earlier
but meet me backstage?

yeah of course.
but what about security?

yeah don't worry about that. i told them you're coming.
just show them your id
oh and ask your friend riley to join you

alright :)
see ya in a few

can't wait x

kayley looked at riley and smiled widely. riley knew exactly what she meant and squealed. "wait i get to come to right?" riley pulled a straight face and glared at her best friend. "yes of course stupid." kayley chuckled. the duo made their way backstage and showed their id's at the entrance. kayley looked around as she was guided to the green room where the boys were. people was busy clearing up and the sound of chatter filled the surroundings. the guard halted in his way and pointed towards a door. kayley nodded and said thank you and knocked on the door.

brandon sat on his dressing room chair browsing through instagram and twitter looking at the fans reaction of the performance. zion and nick sat on the couch gaming while austin was facetiming his girlfriend ansley. edwin was about to ask brandon about kayley when he heard a knock on the door. "i'll get that." he said. he opened the door to see the two girls standing there. "hey uhm is bran---" "kayley and riley right? come on in" edwin cut her off and let them in. "yo brandon look who's here!" edwin called out as he closed the door. brandon looked up and saw her standing there with the light smile on her face. "kayley," he said as he got up and gave her a hug. "i really thought you wouldn't show up." kayley let out a laugh. "please why wouldn't i? oh and call me kay." "no hug for me?!" riley spoke up from behind. brandon and kayley looked towards her and laughed. "oh!i can give you a hug!" edwin said as went in for a hug, and riley smiled. "that's what we're talkin bout."

in the other corner of the room austin finally hung up from his call and greeted the girls. he then went an threw a pillow at nick and zion who were still unaware of their arrival. "yo what was that for bruh." zion yelled. "riley and kay are here!" austin replied. kay laughed at the scene in front of her. "kay do you wanna step out with me?" brandon asked. kayley looked at brandon and nodded yes. meanwhile riley found herself a comfortable spot next to nick and stole his controller. "hey i was playing!" nick exclaimed. "boy you call that playing. you lying to yourself." she replied and smoothly aced the game they were playing, winning alongside zion in about 15 minutes. edwin sat in the background staring in awe at the skill she had just displayed.

a comfortable silence settled between brandon and kayley as they walked to the empty stage. brandon sat on the edge and asked kayley to the same. "i wanna get to know you. tell me about yourself." he asked. "oh? well i'm kayley rose carter. i'm 18 and i'm about to graduate high school. i live with my parents here and i love graphic art. " kayley replied. "and that's what you want to do in college? graphic art?" he asked. "nope. i would if i could. my parents want me to do business and information systems. so that's what i'm gonna do i guess?" she explained. brandon tilted his head to the side and furrowed his eyebrows at her. "but shouldn't you do what makes you happy. its your life. shouldn't you follow your heart?" kayley turned to face him. his eyes glimmered in the faint lighting. she raised her hand to his hair and brushed a few locks out of his face. she sighed and replied, "that saying doesn't apply for where i come from." "i will get to see you after this right." he asked changing the subject. "my parents don't like me spending my free time behind you guys. i wonder what they'd say if they found out i'm actually hanging with you guys." she replied. "we can change that. if you agree that is." brandon retaliated. kayley just looked at him and smiled. he was utterly beautiful. even more so in person. "why choose to meet me of the many who create edits for you." she asked him. "'because you're like a dream to me." he replied and inched his hand towards hers and held it.

dream || b.aOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora