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"we did it kay!!!" riley screamed as she jumped to hug her best friend outside the graduation venue. "i know. im so proud of us." kayley replied, hugging her even tighter. the two let go and walked towards their friends to get pictures. kayley's parents had a satisfied look upon their faces which made kayley even more happy. after taking a whole lot of pictures and talking to her friends kayley went up to her mother and hugged her. "hey mum, i made it." she said with a huge smile. mrs. carter laughed as a tear went down her cheek. "i'm so proud of you dear. both of us." she glanced towards kayley's father and then looked back to kayley. "thank you dad. for everything." kayley stepped to her right and hugged mr. carter. he kissed her forehead and smiled. "anything for you kayley." kayley looked up at him and smiled. "now your mom told me that there something that you'd love to have right now." mr. carter said pulling away from her. "what?" kayley looked at her parents. "kayley!"  a very familiar voice called out from behind. kayley's eyes widened. "mum you told dad?" kayley said with a worried tone. "i spoke with your mother and i'm not completely okay about this but i'm willing to give it a chance." mr. carter explained. just then a pair of arms wrapped around kayley pulling her into a hug. she melted in his familiar touch. "brandon i thought you were coming back at night." kayley said and turned to face him, still locked in his arms. "got here early just in time for your graduation. riley gave me the address and stuff and i met your lovely parents too." he said smiling widely. "it means so much. thank you b." she replied resting her head on his chest. "mr. and mrs. carter if you don't mind, may i take her to the pm house, they boys would love to spend time and celebrate with her." brandon asked. kayley could hear his heartbeat slowly increase with nervousness. mrs. carter looked at her husband with a slight frown but mr. carter stayed smiling. "kayley is old enough to make her own decisions honey, let her go." he said, as he caressed kayley's head. "you may take her brandon. i trust you kayley." "thanks mum and dad. i love you." kayley replied. she looked up to brandon and he looked back towards her and squeezed her arm gently. just as kayley was about to speak up brandon cut her to it. "yes riley is invited too. edwin's request." he winked. kayley chuckled and slid out her phone from the pocket of her jumpsuit under her graduation gown. "mum can you take a picture of us?" she said as she handed her phone to mrs. carter. she nodded and asked them to get into a pose. kayley wrapped her arms around brandon's waist, snuggling into his chest with a wide smile. brandon held on to her waist tightly with one hand and threw up the 360 sign with his free hand. "perfect." mrs. carter said, and kayley let got of brandon to get her phone back. "we should head back home now kayley." mr. carter spoke up, "brandon what are your plans with kayley for the night?" "well if you don't mind i'd drop by your place right now let kay change and whatever and then i could just drive her down to the house." brandon suggested. "sounds good to me. kayley you can get a ride home with brandon." mr. carter said and started walking towards the exit of the venue. "

kayley took of her cap and gown before se sat into brandon's car. it smelled just like him, his perfume. "i don't knoww how you do it brandon but you some how have my dad convinced and that is crazy." she said to him. brandon fired up the engine and started backing up out of the parking lot. "honestly, your dad is a really understanding person kay. your mom is  just over protective and your dad sees you as a growing woman and is willing to let you learn things for yourself." he said. "yeah i guess you're right." kayley said as she started the directions to her house in her phone and mounting it on the phone stand on the dash. "did u speak to riley about the plan?" kayley asked. "yeah edwin did the honors. i told him to get off his ass and do it himself if he wanted to have something with her." brandon replied. "remind me to give you back your hoodie when we get home." she said a moment later. "honestly, just keep it." brandon glanced towards her. "i would love to but it lost the smell of your cologne or whatever." she said making him chuckle, "ah, my tom ford. i see i'm not the only fan of it. i'll take it back then."

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oh.kayley: hey look ma i made it ;)
tagged: rileyy

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kat.hu: congrats bubba 🍾

brandon_arreaga: congratulations kay 🖤 proud of you


edwinhonoret: congrats!

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