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kayley freshned up and went downstairs. she entered the kitchen to see ansley and austin seated on the breakfast table and edwin making eggs. "good morning kay." ansley greeted with a smile. "morning kay!" edwin turned back and chimed in. "morning guys." kayley lazily walked up to edwin as she tied up her hair in quick ponytail. "when i heard you were the cook of the house I didn't actually believe it." kayley joked. "if it weren't for me we'd be eating out everyday. thats not exactly healthy." edwin replied. "need help? i've heard that my pancakes are amazing." kayley said. "guess we'll have to see for ourselves then." edwin raised his eyebrows and stepped away from the stove to pull out pancake mix, a bowl, spoon and pan for kayley. "thank you." she said and got to cooking. kayley was still learning how to cook, her parents came home tired often and mrs. carter would often get angry that kayley wasn't much of a help at home, so kayley decided that she'd learn how to cook. she still remembered the first time she made a full meal for dinner and how happy her mother was. from then on kayley didn't complain if she had to cook.
around 20 minutes later kayley managed to make enough pancakes for austin, edwin, ansley, nick who just woke up and brandon who she was pretty sure would love to have pancakes. she served the boys and ansley pancakes and sat down with a mug of coffee tha edwin made earlier.

brandon came downstairs seconds after she started serving the pancakes. he gazed at her in admiration. the way she was getting along with his best friends, his family made him so happy. "I didn't know you could cook kay." he said and sat at the table. "you don't know many things about me arreaga." kayley said as she gave him his plate and sat next to him a moment later. brandon smiled, "well i intend on getting to know all of you." "kay these are so fluffy." nick said as he bit into the pancake. "for real kayley these are actually so good." edwin said as he swallowed the food in his mouth. ansley and brandon nodded in agreement. "mhm you should come cook for us often, we're gettin tired of eddie's food anyways." austin said jokingly which earnt him a glare from edwin. kayley laughed at the two and replied, "one day for sure."

once they all finished eating and cleaning up, kayley went down to brandon's room to grab her things so she could leave. biding her friends goodbye, brandon and kayley left the house laughing on something zion had to say. around five minutes into the comfortably silent drive, brandon spoke up. "the guys and everyone loved you kayley." he said. "i could tell." she chuckled. "no but for real, they'd love to have you around more." he insisted. "them or you b." she raised an eyebrow at the boy. "caught me." he smiled, followed by another wave of silence. kayley couldn't figure out what was going on between them. it was all good things, but they did kiss a night ago, and whatever they felt was pretty strong. yet at the same time things were a tad bit too fast. kayley couldn't bottle up her confusion. "b, tell me honestly. what are we doing?" she asked. brandon dreaded this question since day one. "look, i really like you kayley. i genuinely do, and want us to last." he said. "but?" kayley turned to face him. "there is no but. if taking it slow is what you want, then i'll keep my hands off you. although that is gonna be tough since i got a taste of you." brandon said with a smirk. "shut up." kayley chuckled. "okay honestly i don't think so either." she admitted as the laughter ceased. "but it's only been a few weeks b, and you just met my parents." "And i did make an amazing impression." brandon added. "okay maybe you did but you've just met them and they're still handling all of this." kayley explained. "i'm not saying that we should go official kay, but i wanna make it clear i wanna be with you." brandon said with a more serious tone making kayley's breath hitch in her throat. she didn't reply and brandon understood. "we'll take it slow and see where it goes." he finally said as he pulled up to kayley's house. "thank you b." she smiled and faced him. brandon raised his hand up to her face and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. kayley leaned into his touch, the heat creeping up to her cheeks. his skin against hers still felt foreign that sent shivers down her spine but in a good way. brandon's eyes locked with hers.  "can i kiss you?" he asked in barely a whisper. kayley nodded slightly and his lips touched hers in a steady short kiss. "i'm really hoping no one saw that." kayley said pulling away. brandon chuckled and sat back, gripping the steering wheel. "bye kayley. i'll text u later." he said. "mhmm. bye b." she replied and stepped out of the car.

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