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you touch me and its almost like we knew there would be history between us two

there's no way  by lauv played on the mall speakers  on  a low volume as kayley made her way to starbucks. "how fitting." she muttered under her breath as she stepped inside the tiny cafe. one glance around the area and her eyes fell on a familiar figure.  brandon sat a table in the corner his head was leaning in his hand as he browsed through his phone. kayley smiled and went up to him. "hey." she said making him snap his head up. "kay. hi. i was just gonna text you." he said. kayley sat down in front of him. an awkward silence began to settle between them. "i had to make some returns so i managed to get out of the house without mum getting suspicious." she explained attempting to strike conversation. "ah so we sneakin out the house for me now? i have to say im flattered." brandon replied with a slight chuckle. "shh I didn't exactly sneak out now. more like made a pit stop." kayley corrected with a smile. "didn't you order yet?" she asked. "nope. i will now. can i get you something." brandon replied. "oh no i'll get mine that's fine." she said. "no please. where are my manners if i don't pay on our first date." brandon retaliated. "so its a date now?" she questioned, although a wave of relief coming over her. "of course it is. what else would it be?" he said and made his way to the cashier. "what did you want by the way?" he called out from the front. "a regular java chip frappe please. no whip." kayley answered. about three minutes later he came back with their drinks. "no whip? that just kills the purpose of the drink." he said as he sat down. "eh i try to avoid whip as much as i can. i need to watch my weight." kayley explained and took a sip of her drink. "oh please. you and lose weight? kay you're fuckin stunning." he said and kayley blushed a deep pink. "the no whip keeps me like this." she replied. they went on talking about random things like favorite food to deep things about life. brandon knew how to keep the conversation running and was an expert at making her swoon at the subtle compliments he threw in.

once the two finished their drinks kayley asked brandon to accompany her in running her mother's errands. they walked side by side, their arms occasionally brushing against each other. brandon made the move and held her hand in his. kayley looked at him and he just looked straight ahead and smirked. around 20 minutes later they finished the returns and pick ups and made their way to the parking lot. "that calls the end of our date." kayley said as she halted and turned to brandon outside the mall entrance. "sadly it is." brandon replied with a sigh. "i had fun. thank you." kayley looked down to their intertwined hands. brandon brought her hand up to his face and left a light kiss before leaving it. kayley noticed how his dark eyes seemed to glimmer in the sunset light under his glasses. "i'm looking forward to seeing you again. in fact, you should come over and hang out with us at home. a chill day." brandon suggested. "i would love that b. but my mom..." kayley frowned. "oh. well how about we do this some other time. maybe i could gain her trust." brandon hinted. "i don't think that's a good idea b. we should plan this out. " kayley said in a shaky voice. "life is what happens when you're busy makinng other plans kay. " brandon winked and began stepping away from her. "i'll text you later hun." he said and disappeared into the row of cars in the parking lot. kayley just stood their speechless. this boy was going to be the highlight that her senior year needed.



black looks amazing on you btw ;)

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