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next week rolled in, the second to last week of school. kayley and riley made through it pretty smoothly. on thursday in history class which was basically a free hour for kayley brandon decided to facetime her. kayley hesitated at first but then moved to the back of the class and took a seat to pick up the call. "kay!! i miss ya." brandon said loudly as soon as the call connected. thank god i have my headphones in, she thought. "b, i'm at school. one more week remember?" she said. "oh shit i totally forgot." he pulled himself together and sat up straight on the couch. she could hear someone laugh behind him. brandon turned around, and saw edwin. "hi ed." he said. "what do ya want b?" kayley asked again. "i want to see you." he pouted. kayley smiled at his face and made a note to herself to buy him chapstick when she meets him next. "okay well you just saw me now can i go?" she said. "no i mean i wanna meet you kay. when can we hang out again." he explained. kayley sighed. as much as she wanted to see him too, how was she going to get past her parents. she gave it a thought and brandon looked at her in anticipation. "pick me up from school. I didn't drive today. drop me home. that's all though." she suggested. "deal." brandon replied, his lips curled into a huge smile. "you're freakin adorable b." kay chuckled. "i know." he winked. "aight imma let you go now. text me the time and place i gotta pick you up." he said. "bet. bye." kayley replied and hung up.

Prettymuch + Prettygirls


brandon's pickin me up from school


when tf did this happen???


right now lol.
b called me and said he missed me
and wanted to meet up.


bruh gtfo
you finna get cuffed soon
damn gurl go get it.
i'll text ya later. and see ya tmrw ig


see ya

kayley just couldn't stop smiling the rest of the day. last hour rolled around and her foot tapped the floor in anticipation. as soon as the bell rang she fumbled her phone out of her pocket and texted brandon.


hey just got out of school


im here
white bmw by the benches up front

be there in a min.

shuffling through the sea of students kayley finally made her way outside. her eyes scanned the front of the school for brandon and his car. as soon as she spot his car she quickly jogged to him. brandon spot her heading towards him and unlocked the car. "hey." she said as she sat inside. her hair fell in front of her face as she settled herself in the car. the afternoon sunlight softly hit her eyes making them glimmer. the same way they did in that picture he saw of her for the first time. kayley looked at him funny as she put on her seatbelt. "staring isn't nice arreaga." she remarked. "you just look very pretty." he replied with a soft smile. "why thank you." she chuckled. "address?" he asked handing her his phone. "oh right." she took his phone and typed her address into google maps. "how was your day?" he asked as he drove out of the school area. "eh. better when you called me though." she replied. "im glad i could be of use carter. do u mind if i play music?" he asked. "only if you play anita for me." kayley said. "ah i see what you did there. but sadly i cannot. maybe you can witness it for yourself the day you come to our parties." brandon replied. "reasonable. but it was worth a try." kayley nodded and went for the aux wire. "i'll play you something i like. music tends to tell more about a person than words could ever." kayley said as she played her favorite song at the moment. "somebody else by the 1975. damn you have taste. i like you even more now." brandon said, immediately recognizing the song. "thank you. that really means a lot." kayley replied. brandon began humming along with the song. humming soon beccame full blown singing as soon as the chorus came around. "i don't wwant your body but i need to think about you with somebody else." his voice was as smooth as honey. kayley knew of the wonders of his voice, but witnessing it like this in person gave her goosebumps. her lips parted a little in awe of the beauty of his voice. "you're fuckin amazing brandon. like i knew that, but boy your voice is like honey." she said as soon as the song was over. "i look forward to singing for you more often." he said as he turned into the community where kayley lived. as they pulled up to her house kayley noticed the empty driveway. she sighed in relief, her parents weren't home. brandon stopped the car right in front of her house, putting the car in park he turned to face kayley. "that's my cue." kayley said. "thank you for the ride b." "please, it was all my pleasure. anything to spend more time with you." he said, raising his hand to her face to tuck a lock of her hair behind her ear, fingers ever so slightly brushing against her skin, sending a wave of heat down her skin. a rush took over her senses, kayley leaned in and kissed brandon on the cheek and was quick to shy away. "i'll see you around b." she smiled softly and stepped out of the car. butterflies erupted in brandon's stomach. he looked down and smiled to himself. she was doing something to him and he loved it.

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