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brandon_arreaga: last night was surreal

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brandon_arreaga: last night was surreal. thank you 🖤

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user1: ayeee last night was dope
user2: i love you brandon

okay_arreaga: you guys killed it last night. im so proud of you
-brandon_arreaga: thank u 😌

firemara: can't wait to see you guys next week.

softhonoret: yuhh y'all were fyreee.
edwinhonoret and brandon_arreaga liked this comment


good morning


I'm sorry i suck at conversations
but like i really wanna talk to you

that makes the two of us then
I genuinely don't know how this is supposed to work lol

yea same.
are you free in about two hours?

uhm yeah i think so

maybe we could try this conversation thing over coffee?
i'll pick you up if you want.

i'd love to
but my mom

can't you tell her you're meeting riley?
wait no don't lie to her for me
that's not right
just see what you can do and text me ok?

how are you such a gentleman
i really didn't peg you for that type

only for you hun
i'm just tryna make something good happen with ya 

i'll go talk to her and
see what i can do
ttyl b

im hoping for the best :)
bye x

butterflies erupted in kayley's stomach. brandon seemed to be  even better than everything she had imagined. what boy today would be so concerned with the girl's parents? there was definitely something about him and she sure did want to make things happen with him. kayley pulled her thoughts together and tried to come up with an idea to get out of the house. just as she was about to go downstairs to speak to her mother, her mother called out for her.
"coming mum!" she hollered back and shuffled dowm the stairs. "yeah mum?" she asked as made a halt in front of her mom. "would you like to go to the mall?" she asked. "uhm yeah sure why what's up?" kayley replied. "i need to make some returns and a pick up. can you do that for me? i need to cook dinner. your dad will be home soon." she explained. "yeah of course i'll go. i'm gonna stop for some coffee on the way if you don't mind. there's a new frappe i've been meaning to try." kayley added. "yeah sure whatever. just be home for dinner." she agreed. kayley screamed internally and shuffled back upstairs. she called brandon instead of texting him.


well hello to you too

can you come to the mall?

uhh yeah sure. which one?

i'll share the location through google maps 

sounds good. see you in a bit?

yup. can't wait.

end call

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